Some sounds had issues, like sharp cutoffs, the click when the player lands, clipping, and some others I can't think of at the top of my head.
The water sound was 11kHz. Not anymore. I found the original source sound effect, so now it is high fidelity like the rest.
Frequencies have been adjusted to make them sound less irritating to the ear. This was mainly a problem with the cutoffs I mentioned.
The pain sound effect is more realistic and less like an 80's video game. Not the oof, but the impact.
Oversampling has been resolved.
This is a mod you should get, since it fixes a lot, and it improves upon what was already great; the sound design.
Ignore the dislikes. They were because I was "complaining" in the original post.
27 Jul 11:21Version 1.1
Made it easier to install.
Instructions now provided.
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