Hello dear friends of mountain agriculture, and welcome to the Duerrenroth!
Oh, how glad we are that our [FD] Swissfarmer decided to bring the Duerrenroth into the LS 22. And then also in two variants. You finally have the first variant on your PC.
But what was Swissi thinking? The main goal was to create a rather hilly map, which can be played with small and medium-sized tractors and implements. Since our Swissi calls Switzerland his home, he has also oriented himself to this topic.
The name Duerrenroth is actually just a name and the card is purely fictional. It is not a real Duerrenroth replica. The name came about because Swissi has a lot in common with Duerrenroth.
The game idea is of course to start small at the Berghof and then work your way up. That's why the Berghof is also the starting point. Of course it is up to your imagination how you use your Duerrenroth.
All available LS22 functions are installed on the card. The map is compatible with Precision Farming and Mais+.
The roads are all covered with snow in winter and must be cleared.
There is also a building pack for the map,
containing typical Swiss farmhouses from the Bern region.
Old Shed
barn set
Composite machine sheds
slurry tanks
Small grain silos
Small Manure Heap Pack
Water Fountain Pack
building pack
31 Oct 15:22Version
2 Comments for Durrenroth Map
Hi Kramer14
Dann würde ich sagen das ihr einen Einladungslink für euren Discord bereit stellt.
Hallo liebe Community, diese Version wurde ohne unsere Genehmigung hier hochgeladen! Unterstützt bitte nicht solche schamlosen Schmarotzer die sich mit Eigentum Anderer bereichern wollen! Kommt zu uns auf den DC, ladet die Map von unserer Cloud direkt runter. Werdet ein Teil dieser ehrenhaften Community und erhaltet kostenfreien Support sowie regelmäßige updates. Meldet diese Widerlinge und helft mit damit Mapper und Modder weiterhin so tolles Material zur Verfügung stellen. [FD] Kramer14