The military's called martial law on what's left of the crumbling downtown of DUSK. The skyscraper ought to be the source; rock and rumble your way through the city to reach that tower of terror.
A brutal, wild romp through a city turned into a warzone plagued with the terrors from beneath DUSK. Your only goal: Reach the skyscraper which cuts deep into the outer atmosphere beyond the decaying, infested skyline. With nearly 280 enemies and 6 elusive secrets, it ought to be a nasty fight. These foes won't be letting you off easy.
Installation instructions in the .zip! This map is a direct sequel to Urban Turmoil and Derailed; after completing Urban Turmoil it will load you into this map, so long as both Urban Turmoil and Downtown Showdown are installed.
Check out the map_src .zip for the .map source file and required .wad files for textures to load correctly.
16 Sep 23:12Version 1.0
Initial release! Aww yeah!
Source files and necessary .wad files available in the map_src .zip folder!
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
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