Este mapa es el producto de la imaginación, no se basa en ningún lugar específico
- El campo de Old Farm incluye todas las características de Farming Simulator 19.
- 8 grain sales outlets, 2 sawmills, 2 BGAs and in addition, independent points of sale spread over the map, where we can sell all the remaining products, sugar cane, beet, potatoes, milk, wool, cotton, eggs, wood logs, of course the animals and grass and straw.
- 3 large forest areas.
- 63 affordable land with a variety of sizes.
- Several free water collection points.
- Traffic included. (It will be increased in the final version)
- Multi terrain angle implemented.
- Custom lighting engine. (Subject to change)
- Customized transportation missions and field missions.
- Indicator posters.
- When using the tool to modify terrain and textures, add grass along with any of the 4 grass textures implemented on the map.
- All the animals are incorporated in the map, but you can add and place your own animal pastures anywhere else on the map if you wish.
- The main farm, along with the farm house can be sold so you can build yours instead.
- Animated doors that give access to the farm.
- Remember that both the farm, with all its accessories and animals, will only be available starting the game as New Farmer, the first of the three available options.
- This is version is beta, so the map is still subject to changes and modifications. Along with the possible errors that you can find.
- Simulador agropecuario 17 y con muchas horas de trabajo. Espero que sea de tu agrado y disfrute.
Respeta el enlace de descarga original por favor.
Espero que sea de vuestro agrado y que lo disfrutéis.
Saludos. @ShabaFS
Modelo 3d: ShabaFS / Giants
Texturas: ShabaFS / Giants / Varios
InGame: ShabaFS
Prueba: ShabaFS / iBerModding Team
31 Mar 19:56Version 0.9.2
Ändert Version 0.9
- Jetzt kann das Land gekauft werden, in dem die Tiere gefunden werden.
- Korrigierter Ladeauslöser des Farm Silo, der etwas verschoben wurde.
- Im Spiel offizielle Spielplatzierer hinzugefügt.
- Das Hühnersymbol in der Mitte der Karte wurde angepasst.
- Das Sägewerksymbol wurde angepasst, wenn es im Wasser angezeigt wird.
- Die Kollisionen der Bunker der Farm wurden angepasst.
- Das Wasserauslöser-Symbol in der Mitte der Karte wurde entfernt.
- Mehrere Objekte, die schwebend erschienen, haben sich an das Gelände angepasst.
---------------------Wenn Sie einen anderen Fehler kennen, der nicht behoben wurde, informieren Sie ihn bitte.
31 Mar 18:18Version 0.9
- Fixed several errors
- Now the land of animals can be bought.
- Corrected trigger of the farm silo
- Adjusted the collisions of the bunkers of the farm.
- Fixed the chicken icon on the PDA. -
24 Mar 10:40Version 0.8.6
Neuer Download-Link
23 Mar 09:55Version
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
by ShabaFS
ago almost 6 years
1 Comments for The Old Farm Countryside
could you make the whole map buyable? the south forrest etc.