Deutz Fahr 7250 FL

V 2.0 LadiesEdition mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Deutz Fahr ttv 7250 front loader - Ladies Edition

Caution PINK ...

If you see no fun or you have no use for the color pink this one is definitely NOT your mod!
Consequently loading this mod only if you agree with the above can you. This mod is none, if taken seriously, and is used on our server as a tractor of shame.
(Who makes nonsense has to drive an hour around with it!)
(... Great when I come back out here ?! ...)

The following text contains mischief and parameters for output:
This mod is a Ladies Edition, has escaped with a short moment of carelessness of the CouterstikeSteam.exe and now the heart of our Bäuerinen tried (or those who want to be a) to conquer. The 290 horses under the hood make for a orden union torque of up to 2800 revolutions during the spin cycle. Leistungstechnisch go here in the upper middle class! With sufficient reserves are the slopes of 30-40% with an overloaded to 18t Krampe on its dolly is not a problem you can not cope!
Your vehicle also has a Fahrwek that will light up the term soft butter in a very different light! By embedding the springs a Tierferlegung was 15% to entail achieved without loss of driving Quallität!
Desweiterem has her new work implement a practical Gepäckhebevorichtung with a maximum payload of up to 8t under warranty without counterweight! We recommend Maxwell 2t here to see Modhoster.
To finalize your design can be the rims to match their Figer nails painting.
Complaint only against cash voucher within the Downladzeit possible!

Here your specifications in a Prakischen table:
.. Loader: Can Original LS15 nutzen.Gewicht loader: 14tGeschwindigkeit: Max 55km / h.Motor: 290PS at Max 2800RMPMotorbremse: If twas verstärkt.Kotflügel: Have entfernt.Beleuchtung forward: Standart LS15 - V / H / A / inside Price: 264200Unterhalt : 234
About radiation: - - was significantly überarbeitet.Farbwahl only for rims: Stadartfarbe is that of the original / The color choice was inserted in order to multiplayer as we on our server a "this is my Deutz" have a problem! Who do not like colorful rims they can log on Standart.Singleplayer: No Multiplayer error log: It can be used on the server to entries! This is the same error can also cause LS15 standard vehicles! Beipsiel: Front / Loader - Attacher / Clip etc.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________Recht and order: the rights to the model lie solely with the Publisher! We have to be modified only gedultete guests with the permission game content! Want for suggestions and may not have occurred to me uo error indications I am always offen.Wer a problem with the mod Report this can be happy but please do LOG-mail. Comments like: it feels like me or there's thing happened son => unfortunately are not helpful ... A Deutz is green for me and I will not paste all-round finish in the mod! Those who wish to have such a function knows where to find the editor. Reupload contrast dessenist unerwünscht.Für the event that you want to edit this mod is only asked to refer to the original version of fairness. For pencil: => Copyright by publisher / ModV.1 by MeNotU. [LINK] If you want to make a video for the mod, please link via PM or set here :) and in this sense have fun with the Mod^^______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________HINWEIS:Es These are NOT a forestry Edition! The vehicle can be used for it, but anyone who thinks he can with fully extended front loader and lead foot trees over the map to transport without regard to the Highway Code is wrong here! The 14-ton sufficient to lift heavy weights in doubt counterweights to use! eg Maxwell 2t here to see Modhoster! This results in lower weight up to 4t + more, then tilts the vehicle even at heavy load unless ... (see above) ^^ The inclination angle and the top speed is lost during the ground contact of the rear wheel on the inside lane is intentional. It is a tractor and no Manta Sportfahrwerk!______________________________________________________________________________________________________



  • 07 Jan 17:49
    Version 2.0 LadiesEdition

    27 Warnings aus Dedi Server wurden behoben. Texturen wurden nochmals überarbeitet. In jede Datei wurde ein Branding oder Watermark eingefügt. Frondlader STOLL wurde verbessert und ein Fehler wurde behoben. Nun volle unterstützung für DriveControl und CoursePlay. SP und MP Log nun restlos sauber.

  • 657557
    by MeNotU
    ago about 10 years
  • 654728
    by MeNotU
    ago about 10 years
  • 650370
    by MeNotU
    ago about 10 years


checksum: aead67520ad21bfbecb328f1b0c46d36
Version: 2.0 LadiesEdition
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: MeNotU
price in shop: 12100 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:
checksum: aead67520ad21bfbecb328f1b0c46d36
Version: 2.0 LadiesEdition
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: MeNotU
price in shop: 264200 LS
name in shop: DeutzFahr7250FL-LE
description in shop: Basis DF7250 Gewicht 14t etwas mehr als 290PS bei 2800RMP Kann Frontlader vom FS15 Original Stoll nutzen.

19.12 2014
Modhoster user rating
2.4 / 10 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.0 LadiesEdition
Farming Simulator 15
19 MB 913
07. 01 2015 913

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