For the first time, collaboration with Steyr resulted in a Deutz-Fahr model being fitted with a Steyr engine. In return, Deutz supplied the TM-90 engine for Steyr models.
The arrangement of the Steyr engine corresponded to that of the TW-90 engine, but with only four gears. To compensate, Steyr used a two-stage power shift.
In order to be able to offer the powershift transmission called "Powermatic" in a 25 km / h and a 30 km / h variant, the overall ratio had to be adjusted.
Unfortunately, the supply of spare parts has become problematic over the years. There was again a rear-wheel drive and an all-wheel drive version to choose from, but only the all-wheel drive version was marketed in Germany.
- Base price: € 47,000
- Power: 143 hp
- Maximum speed: 40 km/h
- Color choice rims
- Configurable front weight
- Beacons configurable
- Doors and windows controllable via Simple IC
DtP Mario
15 Jul 16:50Version 1.0
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