Deutz 8006

V 1 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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The Deutz 80 06th

This tractor was built by me from scratch.

The model was originally self-model of Eicher (Deutz 130 06).


starter eingbaut (Motorignition), ES-limiter installed Operating Hours installed another sound built in, fitted mirror, swing axle fitted, front mudguards in color tractor without front weights. Fuel tank capacity: 120 liters (original) roof adapted from IHC 844 (Modkontest) and skin changes (Dieteg), but without function.


The handling is impeccable, the Deutz not tilt when cornering, the front axle only lifts the inside wheel when cornering at high speed.

It was still the weight and changes the performance, also runs the mod bug free. (except for one warning:
Warning: translation of topArm of attacherJoint 0 0/0/0 is not in 'C: / Users / CCM / Documents / My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/CCMDeutz8006/D8006.xml')

Disclaimer: Thank you to all modder who made this model (model I want to mention here Eicher, Hummel and Sim2009)


Deutz 80 06, Motor: KHD 916, 6 Zylinder Luftgekühlt, Getreibe. ZF 12 Vorwaerts- und 6 Rückwaertsgaenge, ausserdem kriechganggruppe. Allrad, Hinterachse mir Sperre, Einzelradbremse, hydraulisch,nur auf die HA wirkend.

  • 21 Sep 13:42
    Version 1


checksum: 2400ede18fe722852d6085f786b0a3b7
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: sim2009
price in shop: 21250 LS
name in shop: Deutz D 80 06 Hellgrün Verdeck
description in shop: Dieser Deutz D8006 wurd im Jahr 1977 gebaut.
Er hat einen 5652cm3 Motor mit 80 PS.
Sein 16+7 Getriebe bringt ihn auf 32 Km/h.
Es ist ein stabiler Schlepper mit geringen verbrauch.
Modell: modelleicher Ingame: sim2009

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V 1
Farming Simulator 2011
8.93 MB 3813
21. 09 2011 3,813

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