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Dear community or what is left of, we hereby provide you with the latest version of our map for the time being!Important we distance ourselves from any right-wing agitation such as in form and writing !!The mapper who is responsible for the cross in the last version has flown out with us and FarmerFabi too !!!!And has an ad on the neck!For the time being, last version, why? We simply no longer have the time to map and fashion because we are very busy at work and what bothers us very much are comments and accusations from the community that are no longer viable for us.This map is our temporary farewell. Nothing will come of us for the LS19 but maybe for the next part !!!!
0815Mods ( Flo0815) Saxe
31 Mar 14:39Version 2.0
by YzYQ0
ago almost 5 years
by YzYQ0
ago almost 5 years
by YzYQ0
ago almost 5 years
by YzYQ0
ago almost 5 years
31.03 2020
noch nicht genug Stimmen
Do you think this mod should be featured?
31. 03 2020
2 Comments for DEUTSCHE HEIMAT
top map aber
mich stört es das der händler so klein ist das man egal mit welcher maschine immer in der scheune starten muss, gibt´s da keine andere möglichkeit
Wird es noch Updates geben?
So eine Super Karte