This mod
- adds Frameaddons: Small maintainer/ two different small fuel tanks (long and short)/ two 1-slot sideaboards, 2 minicranes
- adds Roofrack and "trunk"-supplies
- exchanges the 3194 engines with us special (Twinsteer-)engines
- adds more tire options: (thicc) P16 tires (OHD I)/ mud tires (MHS II & III) / all-terrain tires
- exchanges truck gearboxes with special geaboxes
- minor increase to suspension height to avoid clipping of custom frameaddons with wheels
- minor adjustments to steering charesteristics
- moves the low-saddle further back to accomodate for 1-slot sideboard + crane + semitrailer setup
- removes level requirement & unlocks all upgrades and addons so they can be used on custom maps
- increases truck price to reflect better engine performance and truck efficiency
Available engines are:
- A16V-2000
- Westline V16 M2300
- Westline V16 M2450
- If you subscribe to install, the mod will not override the original truck and you can buy it in the store
You can also manually install the mod (will override the vanilla 3194 but probably work in co-op that way if all players in the session have the exact same initial.pak file)
- Download the .zip file by pressing on the file size in the description line on top
- Extract the .pak file inside the .zip file somewhere
- Open the .pak file with winrar
- Open the \classes\trucks folder inside the .pak file
- Exctract the derry_longhorn_3194_xl.xml file somewhere
- Rename the derry_longhorn_3194_xl.xml file to derry_longhorn_3194.xml
- Open your \SnowRunner\en_us\preload\paks\client folder
- MAKE A BACKUP OF THE initial.pak FILE !!!!!11!!
- Open the initial.pak file with winrar
- Open the \[media]\classes\trucks folder inside the .pak file
- Drag & drop the renamed derry_longhorn_3194.xml into the trucks folder
You should also always make a backup of your safe file if you want to remove the mod to not loose any trucks/money
The easiest way is to make a backup of the entire storage folder which stores all profiles and savegames
The file path is \Documents\My Games\SnowRunner\base\storage
20 Oct 22:33Version 1.0.0
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
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