Mod improves the dashboard DAF XF 105
Engine braking indicator (circle)
New retarder indicator (plus)
The “current speed” is now on the 1st page, and not on the 4th (replaced by fuel information), and the initial empty page was moved to “page 6”
The additional text and icon for the “current speed” page has been deleted, now only the number is displayed
A little changed the size of the text of the gear
The size of the speed of cruise control and the icon is changed.
Modell: Finbar
Textur: Finbar
Idee / Konzept: Finbar
Sonstige: Finbar
11 Jan 10:58Version 1.3 für 1.46.1
DAF XF105 Clean Improved Dashboard v1.3 - 1.46.1
Engine brake indicator (circle)
Retarder indicator (plus symbol)
New digital speedometerUpdate 10.01.2023 – fixed eng brake and retarder icons for OpenGL users
Finbar -
13 Nov 01:27Version 1.3
DAF XF105 Clean Improved Dashboard v1.3 - 1.46
Some minor improvements to what was already a good dashboard.
– engine brake indicator
– retarder indicator
– new digital speedometerUpdate for version 1.46
19 Oct 23:35Version 1.0
0 Comments for DAF XF105 Clean Improved Dashboard - 1.45