The header storage can accommodate and store 4 large or 8 small Drescher headers and has been rebuilt by me for the LS22
..adjusted around with that
Animated Object Extend
Door and gate opener script from HoT to be used
The script activates all triggers so that the cutterbar bearing has also reacted when a vehicle drives into the trigger area or is parked in it.
This is adjusted with the v1.0.1 and the triggers of the warehouse ignore the triggering via vehicles!
The matching video ;) FS22 header bearing - YouTube
Storage of 2x2 large headers or 2x4 smaller headers
integrated repair of the cutterbars via the workbench function
Lighting with automatic on/off for day/night operation
Animation of roof and shaft movement and lifting devices, sound supported
08 May 15:09Version
by Porken
ago almost 3 years
by Porken
ago almost 3 years
by Porken
ago almost 3 years
by Porken
ago almost 3 years
by Porken
ago almost 3 years
by Porken
ago almost 3 years
2 Comments for Cutting system bearing
Tolle Idee.
Könntest Du bitte eine Version machen mit einem Dach ohne Beschriftung?
Ev. ein Dach mit Wellblech oder etwas ähnlichem?
Wäre cool wenn das möglich wäre.
Vielen Dank für Deine Arbeit und das Teilen Deines Mods.
Very nice mod!
Only one problem.... when you store a header on the number one, and you want to store another on the lower number one. You can't pick up the top number one header without removing the lower header because the system crushes the lower one. Same of course with the number two storage.
or do i miss something?