Functionality testing for custom objectives in Checkpoint.
All functionality will require ObjectiveResetTime=-1
to be set in your server's Game.ini
Mutator: CustomObjectives
Currently testing:
- Off point defend counter attacks.
> Bot's can only fill up the capture bar to 70% (checking with a timer every second so there needs to be some buffer).
WIP Pieces needed to complete to get custom objectives:
✓ CaptureZone detection and bounds regardless of rotation and brush offset.
- Dummy bot's to manipulate capture fill.
- Logic for bot's to move to and into objectives.
- Logic to teleport bots into new counterattack spawnzones.
- Custom player respawn locations.
Extra configuration desires.
- Radius capture zones.
✓ Off-point defends; bot's can't fully retake points.
- Overtime bot respawn logic. When the timer runs down to 0 in stalemate/blocked, keep respawning attackers.
- Adding to the overtime clock if the bot's have fully retaken the point.
27 Sep 09:51Version .1
Offpoint defends test
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