The modding crew IncDK provides you here a little silage-silo.
The silage-silo has a volume of 250 cubic meters, is 20 meters long, 8 meters wide and has a height of 1.8 m. The background for this unusual detail is the fact that a company has 50 cows. The daily Gärfutterration is 30 kg per cow. It is administered to 200 days in silage, and the density of the silage beträgt600 kg/m3, then the storage requirement is calculated from 500m3, plus a cultivation area of about 6 ha 15 ha of maize or grass is required. Thus then the silos 2 must be installed.
The silage-silo must be installed with the GE (GiantsEditior).
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Have Fun and Happy Farming - Modding Crew IncDK
17 Aug 21:03Version 1.0
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