Day people
Here I present my classes for the OGF Map V3 for disposal.
Courses must always be assembled. eg "abc" to exit or "xyz" for Bga. for sale you need the "1 2". courses with "r" only be used as trails.
It is also from "a" or "c" to select and use it as a transfer trips.
In like to ask PN. Hope all courses are free of errors. Retracted was the Lindner and single axle dump. However, I am so driven that should have enough space and a larger team.
I want to expand the courses in the next few days so even manure, liquid manure, fertilizer and various grassland applications of Play Course can be completed.
This is a trial run and I look forward to tests and opinions.
Anyone who has dealt with course play schonmal should be able to approach the courses in my thinking pure.
27 Jan 07:30Version 1.0 OGF V3
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