
V 3.40 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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After approximately two months, the new Courseplay version 3.40 is available. Again, a multitude of bugs have been fixed; at the same time we've introduced new features, improvements and visuals.

The biggest new sections are certainly the mode "Fill and empty shovel", which allows you, for example, to take silage from a BGA silo and fill it into a bunker or trailer. What's more, Courseplay now features a completely new course generation, that not only inhibits those dreaded X courses, but also comes with some configuration options. You can choose the starting point, the direction, or add headland.

What is Courseplay?

Courseplay is a tool for having machines perform many different tasks for you. Ones that the default AI helper can't do. For example, Courseplay is perfect for unloading a combine, driving the chaff from the chopper to the farm or the BGA.

Courseplay has been developed continually during the past 3 years. By now, you can even press bales, collect hay, cultivate, fertilize or seed fields, mow some grass or empty your BGA silo.

How to install Courseplay?

Patch v1.40 has to be installed.

Copy the file to the C:\Users\[User name]\My Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2013\mods directory. That's all, folks!

How to operate Courseplay?

All informations concerning operation, functions, changes etc. are explained in detail on the Courseplay website.

Changes in version 3.40

It's possible that, when loading older savegames (pre v3.40), the hud won't open by clicking the right mouse button anymore. Please see the answer in the FAQ section.

All changes and fixes are listed on our website.

Known bugs in version 3.40

  • Multiplayer synchronisation only works once in a blue moon. Bigger construction site, that is.

Important: general procedure when experiencing errors

  1. No support via PM!
  2. Have a look if somebody else has already mentioned the bug.
  3. Have a look if the bug already is in the bug tracker or in the issues section on GitHub.
  4. List the used machinery and/or objects (everything, from the weights to the trailer, from the barrier to the shhovel, from the twin wheels to the tractor to the front loader).
  5. Try to isolate the error as much as possible: only have one vehicle active with Courseplay, instead of many at the same time.
  6. Situation: what did you do? What was the goal? When did the error occur? Is the error reproducable?
  7. Post your log entries, if need be, post the whole log.



- Lautschreier (Grundversion / base version)
- Hummel (
- Wolverin0815 (Feldarbeitsmodus, HUD, ... / fieldwork mode, hud, ...)
- Bastian82 (Feldarbeitsmodus, Optimierungen, ... / fieldwork mode, optimizations, ...)
- Skydancer (Feldkursgenerierung, Güllezubringerunterstützung, ... / course generation, liquid manure transfer, ...)
- Jakob Tischler (all kinds of unnecessary stuff)
- Thomas Gärtner (Everything. And more... Also, the devil's work.)

  • 12 May 17:34
    Version 3.40

  • 430782
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    ago almost 12 years
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    by Joe`s farm dk
    ago almost 12 years
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    ago almost 12 years
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checksum: c1e655db8f3dda5cdc9ec10012625abc
Version: 3.40
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Hummel ( / Lautschreier / Wolverin0815 / Bastian82 / Jakob Tischler / Thomas Gärtner
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

12.05 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.73 / 119 Votes


nach 110 Stimmen

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V 3.40
Farming Simulator 2013
325 KB 37037
12. 05 2013 37,037

14 Comments for Courseplay

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  1. Joe`s farm dk 20. 05 2013

    cp v 3.40 is the best cp i have dl, well last pic and last function in field mode, that did work too after 7 hours trying i finally understood, so here i give you a score 5/5 stars and a BIG THANKS FOR MAKING LS 2013 lot more fun with your mod in sp mode it all works for me, awesome work and i have found no errors but that just me have fun all good night br joe dk

  2. Joe`s farm dk 18. 05 2013

    Hello axel1209
    why use cp when you are in a mp game, that i do not understand, there are other function you can use if cp won't work in mp mode but maybe it just me :)

  3. Joe`s farm dk 17. 05 2013

    hello again for very last time :)uploaded 3 pic with a wheel loader or rad_lader it is made by Field star modding team and is here at modhoster it drive strait and works perfectly with cp v3.4 bga function, i have to correct my self, i wrote earlyer that it will keep unloading at the biogas silo and you are gonna waste your silage, that not true, it just keep holding and unloading in a rate that fits to the consumsen of the biogas facilty so i was wrong sorry , had 2 bad mods in my folder and now gone and it works go look at it, it has it all light and so on br joe dk

  4. Joe`s farm dk 17. 05 2013

    hello i have just uploaded last pictures i´m gonna provide inhere or i think would get a spam block, :) bad thing first the text i wrote on my pictures yesterday is not at them just seen that and since i do not know how it just a pic to look at sorry, but the wheel loader provided link by Maverickmave is the one on the pictures for today and it works good, does the job but it drives zig zag from one side to the other from point a-b (b=unloading spot) so that in your mind it is good hold what i think way too much 20.000 l or 20t and fill biogas bunker no more than 2 times, so if using this do it your self it is faster and then you will not forget to stop him in time, but it is all for you to decide i'm going playing and maybe cp does have a problem who knows, thx again for this awesome mod cp v3.4 awesome rules in my game ;) br joe`s farm dk

  5. bufley 17. 05 2013

    hello! Joe `s Farm dk, the first error is the one I uploaded it with pictures and the second error is mods shovel, the rest works perfectly, I mean it works impressively well.
    The first error combi mode where the tractor stops without having an obstacle in that moment when I took the picture I had two tractors of the same type but with different trailers.
    Tractor which had, long trailer stops one can trailer to be the problem?
    Thanks had the pleasure to answer my message, and thank you for your advice.

  6. Joe`s farm dk 16. 05 2013

    hey have uploaded some pic where cp perform front load function to an top 5 stars, it is whoever important when you reload a save cp front loader course that you reset the loader attachment function because it does not save that, not what i have seen, so reload course and set the function and say drive, it should do as you can see here in my pic, the only thing you should be aware of is, it does not stop unloading even when the biogas bunker is full or i can not make that work if it has that function, but stop it in time so you won't waste any of your hard made silage. it is not i'm blaming any for anything but try to help out and to those who say it does not work, the opposite, one pic is where i'm blocking it route in this case it stop and waited for i got clear, the script Traffic Colli Fix i use and i can recommend it very much with that it always drives if road is clear, making a route be sure to make your turn well clear of collision object because cp does cut corner sometime more than other.
    what else well gonna say good luck and hf all we all make mistake it is just human nature :)

  7. Joe`s farm dk 16. 05 2013

    hello bufley and rest well the frontloader funktion do work nicely and it is most likely an human error instead of cp error, i will go and make a new cp in bga and then upload some pic, i have never with this version had a traktor which did not run my course and if it did not, it was because i had made a mistake on some point on the route, but it probably have errors i just haven't met them yet :)

  8. bufley 16. 05 2013

    I want to add as I have watched all the tutorials very carefully and I did exactly as described in the tutorial on the official website, but courseplay program, still have many errors.

  9. bufley 16. 05 2013

    Anyway congratulations for those who created this mode. and maybe try a change with an improvement, thanks.

  10. bufley 16. 05 2013

    how to explain this! As seen in the picture which we uploaded! Is nothing in front of the tractor, but the tractor stops and send warning message (tractor is in traffic) anyone else has this problem?
    shovel in BGA mode does not work at all, example when going back spins in a circle, or stops before arriving at the place of unloading.

    1 replies

  11. Joe`s farm dk 16. 05 2013

    Greetings still awesome cp, i have uploaded some pic and made a mistake upload 2 of the same, well it here a look on how it seed a field and i'm running with 2 tools one in front and seeder none of those are default and it lifted them both and made the turn and kept going, in this game i'm running it with 45 other mods and scripts all together, so for those who say that cp does not work, it is most likely your mods which is given you the trouble, i have in the bga silo found out, that, testing 2 harvester a Claas_Jaguar_685 and JD 6810 the traktor which got crops from the class did empty at the silo in the bga the other one did not do it, the jd 6810 has some kind of error but not call stack and the other is clean off bugs, both tractors had the Fortschritt_T088_green trailer, the point is , if you play with mods with even small bugs on to it, it may give you trouble ingame, the front loader function does work ,did it with default frontloader it just took me 12 time to make it right :) well that it for me thx for the cp update

  12. Joe`s farm dk 13. 05 2013

    Hello it is the most awesome cp i ever had to try, not done them all but seeding and sprayer and front loader funktionen works fine in my game, and why should bale or rest not work, well here my thanks to you for uploading this version 1000 hugs and :) for you and your team simply the greatest cp.

  13. Steve645354 13. 05 2013

    keep getting this message in log:
    Error: Failed to open xml file /savegame1/courseplay.xml'

    also after a deleted savegame before starting a new one.

    also right mouse is used for Front loader implements like open close a bucket. then the courseplay menu keeps on popping up.please change from right mouse to a key like NUM_9 or something. but this is a great MOD,. perfect

    1 replies

  14. Joe`s farm dk 12. 05 2013

    thanks a lot for making it and still do cp for ever when not mp so awesome mod and thx again for your kindness :)
