Well guys this is the Last Part of this map It should be fully complete without bugs. AI might have problems. I have fixed the starting vehicles sorry they drop from sky abit. Silos at farm are now working the Mill has now seperated the drop off points. The Drop off points at the farms have been improved. This map has been doubled in size then the default. PDA does not work properly. Please refer to the PDA_Map.jpg in the zip. Runs well on Low-High Range Pc's. Fields are all ready to be harvested. Features: -Teleporters between farms -Lots of equipment storage -BIG FIELDS!!! I mean BIG! -Silos storage drop off spots at both Farms. -Large Mill accepts Mill,Port,Brewery(Look in zip for Mill.jpg) -Storage Silos at main farm(Look in zip for silo.jpg -Fuel,Fertilizer,Seed at both Farms
Map-Damen AndersonFloodlights-dodo27. Thanks
Baleshredder-Found on the forum.
21 Dec 21:50Version
1 Comments for Clearview Farm Final[MP]
Also ich kann die nit downloaden...
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