Hello, today I'm going to publish this modification. The reason? is it proportional? enough ... unfortunately it means that it is from m? The last change is displayed for download (maximum in the picture). The community still doesn't understand the reasons. Some changes are not public. They do not understand that every model, script or editor has the right to determine who should be changed or what else. And if someone around you will disappoint their trust, you decide? it hurts. I would like to thank Libor Slaný for this model ... I have already been in contact with him and have discussed all necessary matters with him. A homage to unbelief drives this community to the bottom. Otherwise, the Tatra CAS 32/8000/240 acts as a water transport tank and also as a high-pressure cleaner. Functions: opening of doors, beacons, siren, opening of superstructures with equipment, high pressure, lights, indicators, ... Note: If you want to fill up with water, you have to switch on the siren (it is marked "open cover") Author : Libor Slaný (JZD Strážnice) Convert to FS19 and Gadgets: Lorex123 So have fun :)
15 Jun 10:11Version 1.0
by qzdop76
ago almost 5 years
by qzdop76
ago almost 5 years
by qzdop76
ago almost 5 years
by qzdop76
ago almost 5 years
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