Hello runners! This mod is for those who wants to try little challenge or simply more immersive gameplay in snowrunner. Hopefully you will enjoy, and dont forget to give me feedback so i know if anything needs to be changed, updated.
This mod is focused on CO-OP gameplay, yet there is no downside on playing solo. Everything should be working in CO-OP without problems as far as You follow instructions.
Information about mod below:
- Actual weight for cargo (Now You really feel that cargo on Your truck!)
- Better tire pressure (Different tire pressure for each class of tires)
- Real gearboxes (Improved reverse gear)
- Better suspension response
- New trailers for trucks
- Modified trucks (Not overpowered)
- Winch lengths lowered (Just a little bit)
- Durability lowered, its little bit different for scouts / trucks / big heavy trucks, to feel realistic (One big crash and You are done)
- OPTIONAL - Fuel capacity lowered (For more challenging gameplay) - If You prefer to play with vanilla fuel, just scroll down and download non-primary version from "Releases" list :)
- Roof rack capacity lowered
- More than 100paint schemes for each vehicle! (Will be adding many more in future)
- OPTIONAL - No recovery! (To activate Recovery option back, just replace Your initial.cache_block inside initial.pak file with original one, You need to open initial.pak with WinRaR to be able to do it :) )
- Visual changes with exhaust smoke and few other stuff
- Legacy camera while using winches (Its much better in my opinion)
- Mod is working in CO-OP If You follow instructions
- Releasing lot of content soon!
If You want to play with vanilla fuel, just scroll down and download non-primary version from "Releases" list. :)
Manual- Simply just download the mod, go to This PC/Local Disk (C:)/Program Files/Epic games/SnowRunner/en_us/preload/paks/client and replace Your initial.pak , You dont have to be afraid to get any of Your files corrupted, everything is backed up by server or You can backup Your saves manually in Documents/My games/Snowrunner/Storage/random number with letters - here is Your current save
I do recommend You to install this mod manualy, as this mod is not a vehicle and won't be handled properly using the subscribe button.
This mod is compatible with CO-OP
But there is few things You should know before You play CO-OP.
You and Your friends should have only this mod installed (recommended). Few bugs might occure time by time, not being able to refuel or repair. Simply just return to main menu and restart session. Also sometimes Your gearbox can act weirdly after You switch between trucks with Your friends, as mentioned above, these bugs are only in CO-OP.
There is way to "fix" crash bug, not technically at the moment but the way I fixed it, is:
1. You will use only trucks / trailers that belong to host of the session (If crash happens, Your truck will keep same position and no trailers dissapear)
- I can upload file that gives You money so You can buy same trucks for your friend aswell if You guys request this
2. The second option (Also the option I am playing currently with) is to challenge Yourself and Your friend to use only 1 truck from each (only 1 paystar / 1 gmc etc..) brings whole new flavor into game and its hella fun i can tell.
- Version 1.2 released there was not single bug / crash in 6hours session.
- Version 1.3 new refuel bugs occure in CO-OP, will be fixed next patch
Version 1.1
- Hotfix on Caterpillar CT680
- Hotfix on Chevrolet ck 1500
Version 1.2
- Fixed bug which was not letting You refuel in CO-OP
- Increased Repair Parts in Roofpacks
- Added paint schemes (More than 100paint schemes avaible for every vehicle, will be many more added in future / also customs )
- Added Vanilla fuel capacities in separate file
Version 1.3
- Avaible 2 versions for download, Vanilla fuel capacities / Challenger fuel capacities
- Fixed issue with Caterpillar 745C
- Added Repair Parts to scout trailers / some truck trailers (As You can see some of them have "box"/"storage" on side )
- Added Semi-trailer Heavy Fuel tank (The big navi one), Avaible for purchase in trailer store
- Added Small (Scout) fuel trailer for trucks, Avaible for purchase in trailer store
- Removed "Rocket" Semi-trailer Fuel tank. (It was necessary, but dont worry if You had some of them in world, they didnt disappeared, they just transformed into younger version haha ;), )
Version 1.4 - everything is working in CO-OP of course
- Chevrolet Kodiak C70 has been modified
- GMC MH9500 has been modified
- FleetStar F-2070A has been modified
- Adjusted fuel capacity in GMC / Fleetstar / Cat 680 (They were little bit lower than intended)
- Removed additional fuel from trailers (Repair parts are still there) due to causing "Refuel bug" in CO-OP mode
- Voron D-53233 stock suspension is now fixed
- Small fuel trailer (For trucks) has been adjusted
- Semi-trailer Oil Tank is now back ! (ROCKET)
- In READ ME I forgot to mention You have to only tap L1 / Shift for auto up/down gear
- Guys If You see any small detail/bug that You would like to change or anything , just feel free let me know, also suggestions for next trucks to be modified are gladly Welcomed !
-weight of trailers
-additional tires for some vehicles
At the end, I recommend You start from Michigan to Alaska and finally Russia, not using Russian trucks on US maps (Its really worth it!),
Hopefully You will enjoy my first made mod ever! Feel free to give me Your feedback :)
Your Vanik :)
Big credits to
14 Jul 16:46Version 1.4
check patch notes above
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