Fixed and seperated header functionality to allow for hired workers. There are now two seperate headers. the multifruit header is capable of cutting Wheat,Barley,Oat,Sorgum,Soybean,Corn,Sunflower and cotton.
The Sugarcane header is able to cut sugarcane.
I had to seperate the two due to sugarcane requiring a fruit preparer which was causing issues with workers for all the other crops. More updates to come! I hope to add a sugarcane decal to the sugarcane header and allow for colorable options! For now until I can figure all of that out I colored the sugarcane header a light gray to tell the difference.
Enjoy the all new Case IH harvester pack with Recolored and compatible HD50F Header multifruit! extension configurations ranging from 80,000L - 500,000L. Able to harvest Wheat, Barley, Oats, Sorgum, Canola, Soubeans, Corn, Sunflowers, Cotton and Sugarcane! Enjoy!
Model: GiantsModification: Beedog743
18 Dec 21:44Version
1 Comments for CASEIH All In One Pack
Baumwolle? als Schüttgut? funktioniert das?