Carretón Mainero

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Despues de hacer blinds de Pastura, los que tendra juntar, y nada mejor que el trabajo para ese hcer Carreton "Mainero" permite una forma de juntar los blinds facil y rapida. Tambien se puede cargar y descargar de forma manual (con un tractor, con pinche frontal).

-Características Del mod:

-Carga Y descarga de forma "Manual" o "Automática".
-Carga Hasta 10 blinds.
-Enganche Trasero.
-Texturas Ambient Oclussion.
-Texturas Reflection map.




After making round bales of pasture, the will have to join, nothing better job than did for hcer Cart "Mainer," which Allows the rolls together a quick and easy way. It can therefore be loaded and unloaded manually (with a tractor with front skewer).


-Features Mod:


And -Load download for "Manual" or "Automatic".

-Load Up to 10 rolls.

-Enganche Ass.

- Ambient Textures Oclussion.

-Texturas Reflection map.




After round bales of pasture, is the need to come, nothing better for this job "ainer M" as hcer basket, which together allow the rollers a quick and easy way. It can also be manually loaded and unloaded (with a tractor with front skewer).


-Features Mod:


And -load download for "Manual" or "Automatic".

-load Up to 10 rolls.

-Enganche Ass.

-Ambient Textures Oclussion.


-Texturas Reflection map.


Modelo: Walter98 (A.M.T)

Texturas: Walter98 (A.M.T)

Ingame: Walter98 (A.M.T)

  • 21 Sep 10:18
    Version 1.0


checksum: 0421e7d2e67d5e04685d1557fa5df136
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Walter98 (A.M.T)
price in shop: 12000 LS
name in shop: Carreton Mainero
description in shop: El carreton para transportar rollos Mainero es ideal para usted, permite transportar rollos de pasturas, carga un total de diez rollos.

MANUAL: De esta forma puede "cargar" y "descargar" los rollos con un tractor y un pinche frontal.

AUTOMATICA: De esta otra forma, puede "cargar" y "descargar" los rollos de forma automatica, basta con presionar una tecla

20.09 2014
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1.0 / 1 Votes


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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
3.13 MB 2292
21. 09 2014 2,292

1 Comments for Carretón Mainero

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  1. Beunheas 21. 09 2014

    Bad texture...
    Idea is good, but the textures aren't nice to see, to shiny...
