Right folks, this is Shutesy1's first release of any kind to the community. This map is an edit of Russ's Fenlands Map V1. I have been working on this map since November and its taken me slightly longer than I thought it might but I have got it to where I wanted it to be. It is designed to be highly detailed and realistic British map with two farmyards. Oak wood Farm and Forest Lodge Farm. The field sizes were measured in hectares using the New Holland CR9090 combine and then all the fields were named, as well as the various towns and villages on the roadsigns, off the top of my head so all the names are fictional. The field details are all included in the PDA map making it easy to know which field you are in. The total farm size is around 880 acres. All the fields currently have environmental grass margins schemes around the outside of them as well as the odd strip of Maize gamecover but these can be cultivated up if prefered which would increase field sizes. Big thanks go to Hermann for helping me out with a variety of log errors which were affecting the map. There are no cattle at all other than a few scenic models but I have left in the maize and grass clamps to allow silaging to take place if wanted. The only crops are the standard Wheat, Barley, OSR, Maize and Grass. The Baleshredder is located next to the grainmill in exactly the same place as Russ put it. The map01.i3d file is 25.2mb. I would say this is a 1st version of the edit. If I feel like it I would like to alter the main A road slightly, add some different british style buildings such as those currently being built by jd8430t and Glen, change the telegraph poles for some slightly more british style ones and add other crops such as sugarbeet and potatoes. Finally big thanks to Russ for allowing us to edit his Fenlands Map. Enjoy!
-More Fences (Giants)-Ditches
-More Hedges (Giants)
-More Trees (Giants)
-Gates and Gateways
-Roadsigns (k87eik) & (Shutesy1)
-Pylons (TSZ v3)
-Telegraph Poles (Pincin Map)
-Floodlights (dodo27)
-Farmyard scenery (Giants) & (LS-UK Modteam)
-Post Office and Postbox (LS-UK Modteam)
-English Bale Shed (3Dpowerfarmer)
-Stone Cottage (3uropa Modding)
-Old Shed (Desch)
-Horses (sexyvampyr)
-Old Woodfence (Fredric)
-Fences and weighbridge at Mill (Maca/Defender)
-Background scenery (Ukranian Map V3)
-Scenery in village (Giants)
-Cars (Giants)
11 Feb 21:53Version
4 Comments for British Style Map/England Map
ist die map empfelendswert??
die map ist ist net schlecht
ha tausendster sauger
Die Map ansich is gut aber das nur so wenig mais is is *****!