The brightness of the night of the nice weather is changed to slightly brighter. And, the fog of the bad weather is Reduced 50 percents in time from evening to morning. [CHANGE LOG] August 4, 2014 - The files have been updated for the patch 1.11.1. [CHANGE LOG] August 10, 2013 - The files have been re-edited for the patch 1.4.8. [CHANGE LOG] November 20, 2012 - Reduced the blue color in nice weather. Credit: SCS Software, pete379jp
SCS Software, pete379jp-
15 Dec 11:37Version 2.6
The brightness of the night of the nice weather is changed to slightly brighter. And, the fog of the bad weather is reduced 50 percents in time from evening to morning.
[CHANGE LOG] Dec 13, 2014 - The files have been updated for the patch 1.15.1.
[CHANGE LOG] Nov 29, 2014 - The files have been updated for the patch 1.14.2.
[CHANGE LOG] Aug 04, 2014 - The files have been updated for the patch 1.11.1.
[CHANGE LOG] Aug 10, 2013 - The files have been re-edited for the patch 1.4.8.
[CHANGE LOG] Nov 20, 2012 - Reduced the blue color in nice weather.Credit: SCS Software, pete379jp
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