Branded Front Hub Covers

V 1.1 mod for American Truck Simulator

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This pack contains Kenworth and Peterbilt branded front hub covers which will work on any truck (base game or custom). 

This mod uses the new "ultimate wheel customization" system for game version 1.2, as such this mod requires v1.2 and will not work on older games.

Installation Notes:
Download the most recent version of this mod and then place the downloaded .scs file in your mods folder.

The most recent version is "Branded_Front_Hub_Covers_v1_1.scs" and you'll want to place this file in your mods folder, for example if you are on Linux (Like me!) you'll want the mod to go here:
~/.local/share/American Truck Simulator/mod

Once you are sure the .scs file is in your mods folder go to the mods manager and activate it.

You should now see the hub covers in-game!

Upgrading Notes:
In most cases if you are subscribed using Steam workshop your mod will be updated automatically and these notes are irrelevant to you.

If upgrading manually always remember to remove the previous version and follow the installation notes above.

Remove any hub covers added by this mod from your truck(s) before you remove the mod. Once removed the mod is safe to remove.

If you have removed the modification without first removing added items from a truck please re-install the mod, load a save that was created prior to removal and then remove the items.

Once this has been done you can safely remove the mod again.

Known Mod Conflicts:
This should hopefully not conflict with other mods which add mud hub covers

Tested Compatible Game Version(s): 


Known Not Working Game Version(s):

  • Anything below

Version 1.1 - 09/04/16:

  • Make the large brand icons 3D.
  • Change modification icon, doesn't look so stretched now and includes text.
  • Include support and feedback information in modification description file.
  • Bugfix: Fix issue where lighting/shadow was incorrect on large icons
  • Bugfix: Ensure large icon caps fit correctly (No more odd bump around edge).
  • Bugfix: Set desc.txt line ending to "DOS / Windows (CR LF)" for Windows compatibility.

Version 1.0 - 06/04/16:

  • Initial Release!

While every care has been taken to ensure that this mod works correctly and has no strange side effects, this modification is installed and used entirely at the users own risk and is not subject to warranty from the author of this modification or SCS Software.



  • 13 Apr 16:42
    Version 1.1


13.04 2016
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V 1.1
American Truck Simulator
1.43 MB 370
13. 04 2016 370

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