Welcome to Bourneheath!
This is a fictional map set in the UK.
The map has a total of 46 arable and grass fields ranging in different shapes and sizes.
All 46 fields have contracts availible.
In the southern area of the map you will find the BGA and a buyable industrial estate, which has all ingame productions and space for
additional placeable if the player wishes.
All ingame animals are on the map.
Main farmyard has 2 cow breeding pens and main cow pasture with feeding robot. There is also a placeable area at the main farm.
Some terrain may be a little challenging, so choose your fleet wisely.
There are a few custom items around the map... See if you can spot them.
Collectibles are availible on the map.
- Some collectable could not be collected - FIXED.
- Bale triggers at Factory and Wholesale Market - FIXED.
- BGA now let you sell bales without owning the land.
- Forest area at cow farm in now buyable.
- Some fields around main farm have been smoothed out and can now be harvested correctly.
- Problems with gates and other items on dedicated servers have been fixed.
- Unrelated store items have been removed.
- Gates and fences on Sheep and Horse pastures now sell when item is sold.
- Custom soil map Precision Farming.
- Everything at main yard is now sellable.
- Player can now interact and sell dog.
- When contract delivering to Grain Elevator, icon was displaying at wrong location on map - FIXED.
- Player was unable to interact with cow feeding robot - FIXED.
New savegame is required.
This is my first map I have made and hope you enjoy playing it.
23 Mar 14:51Version
2 Comments for Bourneheath
Habe die Map dann doch wieder gelöscht. Zu viel Fahrerei neben den Feldern....
Detailreiche Map, allerdings nervt es ein wenig, dass man kilometerlang entlang von Zäunen, Hecken und Mauern fahren muss, um auf ein Feld oder vom Fahrzeughändler auf den Haupthof zu kommen.