Bizon with cabine from Fortschritt E512!
-Real scale
-Real speed
-Real power
-Real sounds
-Animations Almost everything
-Add And subtract gas in the press
-Pipe Opened after the exit of the machine
-All Hatch opened on the key approach
-Mobile And setting up tents for the forager on the key approach
-the Distribution and submission of forage on the key approach
-INSERT The combine on the key (better seen throat)
-Turn And untwisting concave on key
- Header on key
-Manual Raising and lowering hedra
-Cutter speed adjustable on key
-Change Distributors canopy on rape and vice versa on the key approach
-Animated All pulleys, walkers, etc.
-Sound Dumping grain from the tank
-Sound Inserting run
-Dust From the tires
-Cutter (you can off/on when you are near cutter)
Have fun!
Mod created by ikas
22 Jul 13:09Version 1.0
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