Headdy wrote:
- Multiple usable (can often be inserted into the map)
- Bunker filled with fermented silage
- Bunker will also straw, hay or silage bales
- Earned money is obtained daily at 0 clock
- Contents of the bunker is in manure (liquidManure) and stored in the manure pit
- Manure pit for the filling of slurry tankers
- Earned money, shelter and manure pit contents will be stored
- Multiplayer Ready
There are objects from the kit used by BGA LS09 Fatian: ... K-MICH.rar.html respect, the kit is intended for LS09, a few objects come with the Giants Editor 4.1.7 or LS11 unclear.
- Download BGA-kit-made-by-MICH.rar Fatian unpacker and unpack.
- Bgabunker.rar and unpack it. The contents of the folder to the biogas plant biogas system folder from the BGA integrated modular (copy).
- The bunker.i3d insert it into the map and the positions Silostar.
The slide in the Modsordner.
Since the objects of BGA Fatian may be used freely (BGA construction kit readme) I pass this law.
The BGA Bunker (Silostar) with manure pit must be built on maps and published, to you do not need my permission. "
Objekte: FatianScript: Heady
Publisher: PLANET-LS
13 Feb 13:33Version
by JD 6820
ago about 14 years
by JD 6820
ago about 14 years
by JD 6820
ago about 14 years
by maxderbauer
ago about 14 years
6 Comments for Biogas plant
wo gibts'n die den bga baukasten???
wo gibts den großen fendt??
ho doffes upload die doffe warterei nervt so dermasen :(
muss ich das mit GE einfügen?
ist dieser mod cool ich habe ihn noch nicht aus probirt
ist das die von head shot ?