Big Bud 950/50

V 2 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Hi Guys,
"BIG BUD 950/50", Now he is ready to rock. So I decided to share it with you.

About the tractor:
Base model is the Big Bud 525/50 and what is restored and rebuilt in the 2000's by Big Equipment Company. In 2016/2017 a cat 3508 engine was installed and delivered up to 1200 hp. In order to save fuel and to save the transmission, the engine is throttled to 950 hp. Auto stear is thus installed on the tracktor. The current location is Texas, along with the Big Bud 747, is one of the most powerful tractors ever built in the world.
Have fun.


Modell: Giants Danjelmc
Textur: Giants Danjelmc
Script: Giants Danjelmc
Idee / Konzept: Danjelmc
Tester:  Danjelmc

  • 22 Sep 23:46
    Version 2


22.09 2018
Modhoster user rating
4.33 / 6 Votes


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V 2
Farming Simulator 17
114 MB 2647
22. 09 2018 2,647

1 Comments for Big Bud 950/50

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  1. jufi 24. 09 2018

    All well and good with your BIG BUD-But he is not compatible with all plows and harrows. Perhaps it is possible to hang as other tractors
    To realize-front and back-then he is the ideal tractor for large fields!
    Many Thanks
