This is a courtyard with built-BGA DLC2 of the Giants. The DLC2 is required Now this is the final version of the system as a separate object.The glazier was there and did not eingezimmert a few windows. I also have to set a large machine shop, replacing the Giants halls! Furthermore barn and dispose of the machine shops of automatic door systems. Open the gates were set to trigger thought. Mucking out their needs have no fear, the Tortrigger are designed so that nothing during the work opens and closes!
The silo is created by myself, as well as the bottom plate on which everything is set up. The cow was created by me and provided with the necessary triggers. The machine shop is also created by me. Some of the buildings themselves are of Giants
cowshed can muck with a front loader. A movable plane rises with increasing dung manure storage. The trigger blade extends in a half-meter height on the inner surface of the barn, separated by gates from the rest. Access is the big gate at the back of the barn.
At the long 5m wide access, along the stalls can be in the last 2 / 3 chopped grass and is tipped as a feed. A food plan appears and disappears shortly after the Abkippvorgang again.At the station of the Grain
Silohauses now moves the tip lane and builds to dump finished off again.
All Triggers have been adjusted. The functions of the BGA have been adjusted so what does it really stand around outside!
The silo holds the standard-fruit species.
get an instruction in the zip file, so you use the system fully functional and can integrate into your map. The scripts for the BGA and the sliding doors are in - Please guide !!!
silk in the evaluations not to strictly - this is my first self-made 3D object (Silohaus and floor plate) ! The object may be linked anywhere, but only under the original link
The object must be installed in an unmodified form on each map without prompting. But please call me in the credits! All functions should be capable of safely multiplayerA fitting example
find it here: - but there is still the previous version installed!
Regards, Kleini
Scripts von Giants und Daniel (Desperados93) W.Gebäude Giants und Kleini
12 Oct 13:18Version
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
by Kleini
ago over 13 years
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