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For all lovers of Reality and people who do not know where they should spend their many LS-€: Here is the running-cost-mod.
This mod takes you a certain amount of money every day.
The amount of money varies depending on the number of your vehicle, trailer and equipment, the number of your cows and the chosen difficulty level.
If you have suggestions for improvement, then bring it on. It is my first mod.
You can put the mod on other sites, but please use the original link.
This mod may not be Modified for Download, unless a permission from me is available.
The mod may not be offered with an alternative Downloadlink.
If you have questions please write a PM.
Danke anHeady, von dem ich manches übernehmen durfte.
robert97, der mich mit seinem Kommentar darauf gebracht hat.
15 Mar 11:05Version 1.0
15.03 2011
noch nicht genug Stimmen
Do you think this mod should be featured?
15. 03 2011
5 Comments for Running costs
muss man den in die map einfügen
Thank you very very much for the Alternative link, and thank you for a cool mod!
ey, so ein Sch*** uploaded
I'll get it if you change the DL link, othrwise i cant try it.
Ich hab Premium Account kann auch nix DL
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