Although I have a steering wheel, but play almost exclusively with the keyboard. On winding roads, I am again and again landed in the ditch or in front nights electricity pylons.
Now I have invented this script. It varies depending on the speed, the steering speed, the restoring speed (autoRotateBackSpeed) and the maximum steering angle. It also turns the camera to match the steering angle. Both functions can be off again, with the following keys:
ksmCAMERA [Shift Left + C]: portable camera on / off, default is on
ksmENABLE [Shift Left + E]: Adaptive steering on / off, default is on
ksmREVERSE [Shift Left + R]: Looking back on / off, default is on
ksmPLUS [Ctrl + Left E]: increase sensitivity [Left + C Ctrl] ksmMINUS: reduce sensitivity
ksmUP, ksmDOWN, ksmLEFT, ksmRIGHT [Shift + Right arrow key]: Looking Forward, back, left, right
ksmMIRROR [Stjrg Links + R]: mirror on / off
New in Version 1.9
Starting with version 1.9, the camera is only rotated in the Interior. In addition, the parameters have been revised again. Additionally, one can in any vehicle on or off the mirror. This is to win rather weak PCs to a few more frames per second.
If individual settings should be on or off with you, so you can set your own defaults. Sets to the folder "mods" file "keyboardSteerMogliConfig.xml" with the following content:
<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" standalone = "no"?> <KSMGlobals> <ksmSteeringIsOn type = "bool" value = "true" /> <ksmCameraIsOn type = "bool" value = "false "/> <ksmCamInsideIsOn type =" bool "value =" true "/> <ksmReverseIsOn type =" bool "value =" true "/> <ksmDrawIsOn type =" bool "value =" false "/> <enableAnalogCtrl type =" bool "value =" false "/> </ KSMGlobals>
The 4 entries control the following defaults:
ksmCameraIsOn: Moving Camera (all cameras)
ksmCamInsideIsOn: Moving Camera (Interior only)
ksmSteeringIsOn: Adaptive Steering
ksmReverseIsOn: Looking back
ksmDrawIsOn: Keys in F1 always show
enableAnalogCtrl: Adjust accelerator and steering for analog Kontroler
Mogli aka biedens
28 Feb 11:55Version 1.9
- Drehung der Kamera nur noch in der Innenansicht
- Spiegel schaltbar -
19 Dec 15:43Version 1.81
MP bug fix in mogliBase.lua
19 Dec 10:28Version 1.8
Fine tuning
11 Nov 23:37Version 1.7.1
Compatible with ZZZ_driveControl
7 Comments for Better steering with the keyboard
Wonderful mod for keyboard users. Adds much immersion and makes driving in first person more enjoyable.
I only have 2 small issues with it, the vertical camera adjustment in first person makes you look at ceiling/floor when driving on steep incline/decline, if you can find a way to make a slow gradual adjustment to auto correct back to the foward axis of the vehicle that would be great, but may be too difficult.
The direction change delay was very annoying to me, I understand why you may have done it but I have tweaked it and it seems to work fine with both drive control and gearbox.
If anyone wants to know how to change it; open keyboardsteermogli.lua with notepad, find "self.ksmDirChangeTimer = 500" and change to "self.ksmDirChangeTimer = 0"
A better end-user configuration would make this mod top notch, however because it is confusing to inexperienced programmers I give this 4/5.
This mod is not compatible with DriveControl ??
I´m not totally sure but is it just more camera features added?
game freeze after a while.
Spiel friert nach einer Weile.
It's a very nice mod. I like it a lot
Wie beurteilen Sie Bildschirm zu entfernen, die sensituvity sagt
good job ! Autotractor soon ?