Map Berry Village Map is created based on the real terrain. Season Mod Ready.
The map contains:
- storage of grain crops
- warehouse of vegetables
- warehouse of hay, straw, grass
- seed storage
- Fertilizer storage area (liquid and dry)
- warehouse of refined grain
- fuel storage
- wood chips warehouse
- water tank
- round bales warehouse
- Bakery, flour mill, meat processing plant, BGA, a platform for additional. production - production data purchased
- Manufacture of refined grain (cereals are required for production - we obtain purified grain, grain wastes)
- Seed production (for production requires purified grain, liquid fertilizer)
- Dairy (milk is required for production - we get kefir and fermented milk)
- Bakery (for production requires milk, flour)
- Flour mill (for production requires purified grain - we get flour and bran)
- Fish farm (for production requires bran and soybeans - we get fish)
- Meat combine (for production animals are required - we get meat and sausage)
- Production of feed for pigs (root crops, corn or soybeans, grain wastes are required for production)
- Production of mixed fodder (for cows) (for production requires root crops, hay, straw, silage)
- Sawmill (production requires trees - we get chips and boards on pallets)
Seeds can also be sold on RegionAgroVolga (where seeds and fertilizers are purchased)
Separately there is a point of sale of milk - dairy and school.
- Fixed collisions in hay and straw stores, as well as haystacks of straw and hay
- Fixed silos
- Fixed triggers at the point of sale
- Fixed display of manure in the barn
- Fixed display of feed in the feeding troughs on the barn
- Fixed shadow mapping issue
- At the base there are two warehouses (hangar), changed the collision for proper unloading in them on the land of the harvest, so that the walls do not go out.
- The collision is removed from the pillars, where the fields are 2, 27, 28 and 33. The road is narrow, so it is decided.
- Added food storehouses for cattle
Alexey Potanin, Fix by ixoL
17 Jul 14:33Version 1.3.5 fix
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