* Removed custom wildlife spawner xml – suspected to be causing random crashes on console and performance issues on PC
* Added collisions to the feed troughs in the open pastures to allow the pastures be sold in construction menu
* Increased feed capacity of all husbandries to last 36hrs at max animal capacity
* Fixed pricing of bullocks and yearlings – value was shooting up every month
* Removed collisions from selfmade cowshed and selfmade pigsty gates when opened
* Increased the distance objects go under the ground when hidden
* Tweaked the look of the cut grass stubble – Added some variance to the width and height
* Made the animal dealer icon disappear when interactive zone markers turned off
* Updated NPC 30
* Added revision number to loading screen map name for easier troubleshooting. Multifruit/Relight description now only appears when creating your savegame
* Added JMZ’s custom Manure ground textures
* Regenerated the navigation mesh for the cow pasture at dark blue farm – cows now roam all of the pasture
* Regenerated the navigation mesh for the sheep pasture at yellow farm – sheep now roam all of the pasture
* Made wool pallet area markers for sheep pasture at yellow farm disappear when interactive zone markers turned off
* Fixed tip collisions on the U shaped silage pits that come with the map
* Reduced wind speeds for each month
* Implemented Farmer_Andy’s fix for beetroot log warnings
* Reduced straw and grass swath outputs slightly
* Added Beetroot, Carrot & Parsnip to Planter fruitTypeCategory to allow these crops be sown with any planters
01 May 10:25Version
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