Added the Management of the Net Wrap for Round Bales, after the creation of every Bale, the Baler works for add the Net Wrap (it's required that the Baler is active). After the Baler has added the Net Wrap, it's possibile to unload the Bale. Added the Management of the Twine for Square Bales, the Twine was added every time the Bale increase the Fill Level. This Feature is Automatically added to every Baler for Round Bale, no installation required.
The Baler for Round Bale can be filled with the Net Wrap, using the Pallet with 12 Rolls of Net Wrap. The Pallet is present in the Pallets Category. Every piece is lenght of 2800 meters and every Bale is wrapped 8 times by default. Price 500 €
The Baler for Square Bale can be filled with the Twine, using the Pallet with 48 Rolls of Twine. The Pallet is present in the Pallets Category. Every piece is lenght of 1400 meters and every Bale is wrapped 1 times by default. Price 1000 €
* Remove Support for Cotton Harvester
* Fixed for Addon Straw Harvest
DD ModPassion
13 May 13:48Version
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