Adds two new backpacks
Spacious Bag
Carry: 2500
Bag of Holding
Carry: 5000
Spacious Bag
1 Hoarder Backpack
1 Hoarder Gun
1 Hoarder Shield
1 Hoarder Armor
1 Hoarder Helmet
Bag of Holding
1 Spacious Bag
10 Alter Gems
10 Evo Spirit Gems
5 Soulstones (if Spirits Plus is installed)
Feedback on recipes would be appreciated.
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1-By subscription.
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3) Open Aground and click on the “mods” category on the title page.
4) Click "Login to" and then enter the email which you used to create the account.
5) Enter the five-digit code that would be sent to your email and start enjoying the mods!
2-By downloading the mod files.
1) Download the mod files of the mods you want to play by clicking the download button.
2) A zip file will be downloaded. Extract its contents to find a folder.
3) Copy and paste that folder into Aground's mod folder. If you are a Steam user then you can find Aground's mod folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aground\data\mods.
4) Once you have pasted the mod file into Aground's mod folder, you can start enjoying the mod!
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