This is the Baas Klinkfrontloader pack
Thanks to maurice3001 who rebuilt the square front loader so that it is now included in the pack.
This is the Baas Klinkfrontlader Pack, I have revised it so that the tools are now from Kock and Sohn. It has been completely cleaned up and renamed so that it looks neat. Store and icons have been redesigned.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and also thanks to everyone who gave approval.
PrivatPrivat: Konvertierung LS22
Oldenfarm: u.a. Konvertierung LS19
deutzfreakwsm & madabub: Frontlader und Frontladerkonsole (ModHub LS17)
Kreters Island: 2 Schaufeln, 2 Dunggabeln und ein Rübenkorb (ModHub LS17)
Bremi456: Hydraulik-Frontlader-Schwinge
Polofreak211: Hydraulik-Frontlader-Anschlüsse
HoFFi: Kock und Sohn Decal
HerrHand und SchlüterUnions: Baas71n33 Klinklader
Johannes-IHC decal an der seite (Baas), Bauen der Aufnahme vom Holzgreifer
Glumpii decal an der obern seiter (Baas mit warnhinweis)
Modelleicher Klinklader Script vom 19er (PeterAH hat es konvertiert)
Henrik: Bauen des Silo Schild
Maurice_3001 Eckiger Klinkader neu gebaut
09 Jan 14:46Version
by zzzeD
ago about 1 year
by zzzeD
ago about 1 year
by zzzeD
ago about 1 year
by zzzeD
ago about 1 year
0 Comments for Baas and KuS Frontloader Package