*EDXP is the acronym for "Enhanced Driving Experience".
New version 1.10.0:
- Compatibility update for version 1.33
- Trailer definition updates.
- Use of code "company_paint_job: true" for multiple liveries of trailers.
- NOTE: Addon for the Baltic DLC will come during December (exact date unknown).
This is a little mod package that I originally made for myself in order to make the driving
experience AND the in-game experience a little more "realistic". It contains several modifications to
definitions and sounds. It has remained private for several versions of ETS2...until now.
Here is an outline of what has changed:
- Vehicles
- All AI cars, trucks, and buses have realistic engine torque and top speed.
- For every car, engine torque has been carefully researched. Each car will accelerate differently.
- Top speed for every car varies according to their tire specifications based on research from the Tire Rack website.
- Top speed for every truck is 90 km/h. They have been at their correct setting ever since, but I included them anyway to be sure.
- Trucks pulling some oversized loads will travel at 70 km/h.
- Top speed for the TEMSA Opalin is 100 km/h. This bus also has been at the correct setting.
- In traffic, there are more variety of trailers (empty and loaded).
- Combination Vehicles (CV) are included.
- Traffic density has been reworked.
- Special thanks to cipinho for letting me use part of his Real Traffic Density mod!
- World
- Traffic signals have longer and realistic timings, but not to a point where you have
to wait for more than 2-3 minutes to cross a major intersection...unless you're in the left lane full of cars trying to turn left.
- Green light interval is 20 seconds.
- Amber (yellow) light interval is 3 seconds.
- 5-second delay interval between signals.
- Every signal (except major ones) is disabled from 23:00 to 05:00.
- AI
- Car, truck, and train sounds are emitted based on brand and engine specifications.
- Example: If you see an AI Scania with a V8 badge, you'll hear the actual V8 sound as it drives past.
- Buses utilize a specific diesel sound.
- Tire noises have been added to all AI vehicles.
- Horn sounds for both cars and trucks have changed...even though 95% of the time the AI doesn't
sound the horn, unless you intentionally stop your truck in the middle of the road.
- Environment
- Bad Spring/Summer/Fall Weather
- Rainfall is slightly louder, noticeable during heavy precipitation.
- Feel Thor's power through your speakers with better thunder sounds!
- Bad Winter Weather
- When it is snowing, all you can hear is the sound of air (wind).
- Mover
- Sounds have been added to various movers such as flags, hot air balloons, and commercial airliners.
This mod must be installed at a higher priority over other sound or AI mods.
*- Some trailers in AI traffic may not have cables connected, and this will cause annoying warnings in the console.
I suggest going into Gameplay settings and set trailer cables to only appear on your truck. (NO FIX)
Modell: Boeing73FLY
Textur: Boeing73FLY
Script: Boeing73FLY
Idee / Konzept: Boeing73FLY
Tester: Boeing73FLY
Sonstige: Boeing73FLY
23 Jun 23:59Version 2.0 für 1.44
B73FLY's EDXP-EU v2.0 [1.44]
This mod must be installed at a higher priority over other sound or AI mods.
– Cargo and trailer combinations reworked.
– Inspired by LAFAYET47’s Ownable Cargo Market Rework mod.
– Cargo not requiring a cold-temperature climate will no longer use refrigerated trailers.
– Traffic signals have longer and realistic timings.
– All AI cars, trucks, and buses have realistic acceleration and top speed behavior.
and moreCredits:
Boeing73FLY -
23 Jun 00:45Version 2.0
B73FLY's EDXP-EU v2.0 [1.37.x]
*EDXP is the acronym for "Enhanced Driving Experience".
New version 2.0:
2020 JUN 22 (1.37.2)
- Reduced spawn rates of traffic trailers of "Operation Genoa Bridge 2020" back to standard in observance of the event conclusion.
- Increased blinking rate of yellow light on traffic signals in sleep mode.2020 JUN 7 (1.37.1)
- A FRESH START!! Boeing73FLY's Enhanced Driving XPerience 2.0 ... released!
- Some features from version 1.0 may not be implemented until the next mod update.>>> Here is an outline of what has changed (NOTE: Points with a # symbol indicate something is not yet implemented):
- Vehicles
- All AI cars, trucks, and buses have realistic acceleration and top speed behavior.
- For every car, engine power and weights have been carefully researched. Each car will accelerate differently. The primary source of information is "". The secondary source of information is "".
- Top speed for every car is based on either factory tire specifications, a set speed limiter by the manufacturer, or a theoretical calculation from "".
- Top speed for every semi-truck varies according to certain configurations and conditions (Euro maximum 90 km/h).
- Trucks pulling some oversized loads will travel according to the displayed speed number on their trailers.
- Top speed for every bus is 100 km/h. Most of them, if not all, have been at the correct setting.
# In traffic, there is more variety of trailers (empty and loaded).
# The following Combination Vehicles (CV) are added...
# Doubles.
- Traffic density has been reworked.
- Special thanks to cipinho for letting me use part of his Real Traffic Density mod!
- World
- Traffic signals have longer and realistic timings.
- Green light interval is at least 20 seconds.
- Left-turn interval is 10 seconds.
- Amber (yellow) light interval is 3 seconds.
- 5-second delay interval between signals.
- Every signal (except on larger intersections) is disabled from 23:00 to 05:00.
# AI
# Car, truck, and train sounds are emitted based on engine specifications.
# Example: If you see an AI Scania with a V8 badge, you'll hear the actual V8 sound as it drives past.
# Horn sounds for both cars and trucks have changed.
# Police sirens are replaced with more realistic-sounding ones (Euro style, particularly German).
# For now, the sirens are German style until game code allows for multiple styles of sirens for certain countries.
# Environment
# Bad Spring/Summer/Fall Weather
# Rainfall is slightly louder, noticeable during heavy precipitation.
# Feel Thor's power through your speakers with better thunder sounds!
# Bad Winter Weather
# When it is snowing, all you can hear is the sound of air (wind).
# Mover
# Sounds have been added to various movers such as flags, hot air balloons, and commercial airliners.
Some sounds such as the helicopter have been improved.*PLEASE NOTE*
This mod must be installed at a higher priority over other sound or AI mods.*- Some trailers in AI traffic may not have cables connected, and this will cause annoying warnings in the console.
I suggest going into Gameplay settings and set trailer cables to only appear on your truck. (NO FIX) -
03 Sep 00:09Version 1.11.1
B73FLY's EDXP-EU v1.11.1 [1.35.x]
New version 1.11.1:
- Re-worked sounds
- Better quality AI engine sounds, loudness versus displacement (petrol vs. diesel)
- Constant sound volume across all car and truck tires
- According to the poll votes, thunder will now play...
- slightly later (few seconds longer silence)
- slightly softer treble levels, but still retaining semi-heavy bass levels
- Adjusted traffic light timings in the Baltics
- NOTE: Some traffic lights will be temporarily disabled for 24 hours as a way for me to find them in order to fix them in the future.
- Help is greatly appreciated by reporting and sending me the location DURING DAYTIME in-game.
- Added more variety of trailer traffic
- Added "spawn_ratio" of 10% to some 80-kph low bed trailers
- Returned clocks set back 1 hour for Snow Version for certain areasVersion 1.10.1:
- Fixed precipitation and thunder sounds for Snow Version (a common mistake I will probably keep making).
- Has not been reported for several versions. Geez...
Version 1.10.0:
- Compatibility update for version 1.33
- Trailer definition updates.
- Use of code "company_paint_job: true" for multiple liveries of trailers.
- NOTE: Addon for the Baltic DLC will come during December (exact date unknown).This is a little mod package that I originally made for myself in order to make the driving
experience AND the in-game experience a little more "realistic". It contains several modifications to
definitions and sounds. It has remained private for several versions of ETS2...until now.Here is an outline of what has changed:
- Vehicles
- All AI cars, trucks, and buses have realistic engine torque and top speed.
- For every car, engine torque has been carefully researched. Each car will accelerate differently.
- Top speed for every car varies according to their tire specifications based on research from the Tire Rack website.
- Top speed for every semi-truck varies according to certain configuration and conditions (Euro maximum 90 km/h).
- Trucks pulling some oversized loads will travel according to the displayed speed number on their trailers.
- Top speed for every bus is 100 km/h. Most of them, if not all, have been at the correct setting.
- In traffic, there are more variety of trailers (empty and loaded).
- Combination Vehicles (CV) are included.
- Traffic density has been reworked.
- Special thanks to cipinho for letting me use part of his Real Traffic Density mod!- World
- Traffic signals have longer and realistic timings.
- Green light interval is 20 seconds.
- Amber (yellow) light interval is 3 seconds.
- 5-second delay interval between signals.
- Every signal (except major ones) is disabled from 23:00 to 05:00.SOUND
- AI
- Car, truck, and train sounds are emitted based on brand and engine specifications.
- Example: If you see an AI Scania with a V8 badge, you'll hear the actual V8 sound as it drives past.
- Buses and smaller trucks utilize a specific diesel sound.
- Tire noises have been added to all AI vehicles.
- Horn sounds for both cars and trucks have changed.
- Police sirens are replaced with more realistic-sounding ones (Euro style, particularly German).
- For now, the sirens are German style until game code allows for multiple styles of sirens for certain countries.- Environment
- Bad Spring/Summer/Fall Weather
- Rainfall is slightly louder, noticeable during heavy precipitation.
- Feel Thor's power through your speakers with better thunder sounds!
- Bad Winter Weather
- When it is snowing, all you can hear is the sound of air (wind).
- Mover
- Sounds have been added to various movers such as flags, hot air balloons, and commercial airliners.
Some sounds such as the helicopter have been improved.*PLEASE NOTE*
This mod must be installed at a higher priority over other sound or AI mods.*- Some trailers in AI traffic may not have cables connected, and this will cause annoying warnings in the console.
I suggest going into Gameplay settings and set trailer cables to only appear on your truck. (NO FIX) -
16 Dec 17:57Version 1.10.1
B73FLY'S EDXP-EU V1.10.1 1.33.X
*EDXP is the acronym for "Enhanced Driving Experience".
New version 1.10.1:
- Fixed precipitation and thunder sounds for Snow Version (a common mistake I will probably keep making).
- Has not been reported for several versions. Geez...
Version 1.10.0:
- Compatibility update for version 1.33
- Trailer definition updates.
- Use of code "company_paint_job: true" for multiple liveries of trailers.
- NOTE: Addon for the Baltic DLC will come during December (exact date unknown).This is a little mod package that I originally made for myself in order to make the driving
experience AND the in-game experience a little more "realistic". It contains several modifications to
definitions and sounds. It has remained private for several versions of ETS2...until now.Here is an outline of what has changed:
- Vehicles
- All AI cars, trucks, and buses have realistic engine torque and top speed.
- For every car, engine torque has been carefully researched. Each car will accelerate differently.
- Top speed for every car varies according to their tire specifications based on research from the Tire Rack website.
- Top speed for every truck is 90 km/h. They have been at their correct setting ever since, but I included them anyway to be sure.
- Trucks pulling some oversized loads will travel at 70 km/h.
- Top speed for the TEMSA Opalin is 100 km/h. This bus also has been at the correct setting.
- In traffic, there are more variety of trailers (empty and loaded).
- Combination Vehicles (CV) are included.
- Traffic density has been reworked.
- Special thanks to cipinho for letting me use part of his Real Traffic Density mod!- World
- Traffic signals have longer and realistic timings, but not to a point where you have
to wait for more than 2-3 minutes to cross a major intersection...unless you're in the left lane full of cars trying to turn left.
- Green light interval is 20 seconds.
- Amber (yellow) light interval is 3 seconds.
- 5-second delay interval between signals.
- Every signal (except major ones) is disabled from 23:00 to 05:00.SOUND
- AI
- Car, truck, and train sounds are emitted based on brand and engine specifications.
- Example: If you see an AI Scania with a V8 badge, you'll hear the actual V8 sound as it drives past.
- Buses utilize a specific diesel sound.
- Tire noises have been added to all AI vehicles.
- Horn sounds for both cars and trucks have changed...even though 95% of the time the AI doesn't
sound the horn, unless you intentionally stop your truck in the middle of the road.- Environment
- Bad Spring/Summer/Fall Weather
- Rainfall is slightly louder, noticeable during heavy precipitation.
- Feel Thor's power through your speakers with better thunder sounds!
- Bad Winter Weather
- When it is snowing, all you can hear is the sound of air (wind).- Mover
- Sounds have been added to various movers such as flags, hot air balloons, and commercial airliners.*PLEASE NOTE*
This mod must be installed at a higher priority over other sound or AI mods.*- Some trailers in AI traffic may not have cables connected, and this will cause annoying warnings in the console.
I suggest going into Gameplay settings and set trailer cables to only appear on your truck. (NO FIX) -
03 Dec 18:41Version 1.10.0
0 Comments for B73FLY'S EDXP EU V1.10.0 1.33.X