NB! This is a work in progress mod! Expect bugs and changes.
Install by subscribing!
This is just a simple XML mod.
- Adds US small and big cranes.
- Moves RU small crane to the rear.
- Adds a raised and stronger suspension option.
- Adds mild strength increase to stock front suspension.
- Adds the Tayga's green and white paint option more which is more inline with the other trucks.
The RU small crane is moved to the front if used with a low or high saddle.
Exists alongside the stock Azov 73210 in the store. This version lacks the seismic vibrator compatibility icon in the store.
Known issues:
The US small crane and flat bed/walled bed in combination with he RU small crane clips with the spare wheel addon. Simply avoid using the spare wheel addon with the mentioned combinations.
Q: Can this mod be installed manually?
A: I don't know and I have not tried. Attempt at your own risk.
A: Until subscribed mods work in COOP se answer for manual install above. All players in the COOP session needs to have the mod installed.
Q: Why is the RU small crane at the rear?
A: So it can reach a trailer.
Q: Why is the US small crane not at the rear?
A: It does not fit, the left anchor leg clips the wheel.
Q: Can this mod overwrite the stock Azov 73210 instead instead of existing alongside it in the store?
A: No, the subscribe function does not allow it.
Q: Is this compatible with another Azov 73210 mod?
A: Yes, and no. They will exists as separate trucks in the truck store.
- More pictures. - Done
- Fix paint options. - Done
14 Jul 17:30Version 1.1.2
Lowered price with 1k to match new stock truck price. Otherwise just a repack for patch 5.0
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