Awesome Radio European radio stations

V 1.7 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Mod includes:
- Europe version    (All 638 radio stations)
- UK version        (105 radio stations from the United Kingdom)
- Germany version    (112 radio stations from Germany)
- France version    (100 radio stations from France)
- Denmark version    (72  radio stations from Denmark)
- Sweden version    (77  radio stations from Sweden)
- Luxembourg version    (11  radio stations from Luxembourg)
- Romania version    (31  radio stations from Romania)
- Austria version    (39  radio stations from Austria)
- Switzerland version    (15  radio stations from Switzerland)
- Norway version    (29  radio stations from Norway)
- Liechtenstein version    (1   radio station  from Liechtenstein)
- Monaco version    (5   radio stations from Monaco)
- Netherlands version    (21  radio stations from the Netherlands)
- Russia version    (20  radio stations from Russia)

With clearly ordered titles, genre and language information!

If you´re only interestet in (e.g.) german radio stations, you can use the Germany version for a better order in the ingame radio menu.
For all radio stations simply install the Europe version!

How to install:
1. Backup the original "live_streams.ssi" file. So if something goes wrong, you can undo it later.
2. Replace the original "live_streams.ssi" with the one from this mod.
3. You find the "live_streams.ssi" here: Win7:    C:\Users\(Your Username)\My Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2
                     Win8:  C:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2
4. You´re done! Have fun!


- Do not put the "live_streams.ssi" file in the "mod" or "music" file!
- Please give me credit and use my download link when you publish my mod
- Mod should work with all Ets2 and ATS versions
- I do not assume warranty for any damage done by this modification!
- Some streams may not be available in your country.
- As I cant check all the time if all streams are still working, please tell me if something is not working.
- Mod replaces all the streams already in the game. But just click the “Update from Internet” button, while this mod is installed and it will add the already included streams to this mod.
- What should be in the next version? Tell me!
- I´m currently working on this mod, there will be more versions, with more radio stations.

Sorry for my not so perfect english.

Thanks! :)



  • 12 Feb 18:03
    Version 1.7

    Es wurden:
    - 39 Sender aus Österreich
    - 15 Sender aus der Schweiz
    - 29 Sender aus Norwegen
    - 1 Sender aus Liechtenstein
    - 5 Sender aus Monaco
    - 21 Sender aus den Niederlanden
    - 20 Sender aus Russland
    - 5 Sender aus Deutschland

  • 21 Feb 14:07
    Version 1.5.1

    - BBC Radiosender wurden gefixt
    - Radio Hochstift 88.1 FM und Technobase FM wurde hinzugefügt

  • 16 Sep 18:29
    Version 1.5

    - 31 Rumänische Radiosender
    - 100 Französische Radiosender
    - 77 Schwedische Radiosender
    - Radio Lippe Welle Hamm


  • 04 Sep 22:47
    Version 1.2

    - Dänemark Version (72 Radiosender aus Dänemark)
    - Luxemburg Version (11 Radiosender aus Luxemburg)

    Die Europa Version enthält nun 292 Radiosender !

  • 25 Aug 22:29
    Version 1.0

  • 616515
    by spopok
    ago over 10 years
  • 616514
    by spopok
    ago over 10 years


25.08 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.17 / 6 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.7
Eurotruck Simulator 2
46 KB 5892
12. 02 2016 5,892
V 1.5.1
Eurotruck Simulator 2
35.4 KB 1641
21. 02 2015 1,641
V 1.5
Eurotruck Simulator 2
34.2 KB 1035
16. 09 2014 1,035
2 ältere Versionen

1 Comments for Awesome Radio European radio stations

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  1. SSerpente 12. 10 2024

    thanks for the mod . hope i find the radio i want
