AutoDrive Stretch net Sosnovka Not V2

V E 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Hello AutoDrive friends,


Since I got a positive message about the network Sosnovka Not V2.

And would like to offer you the possibility that you then the network with more than 5600 waypoints and 177 breakpoints make available. To do this, you only have to consider a small thing. It's all there is to do in the description below, but before you download the petch you have to own the mod AutoDrive, sunday is your link again.

Lots of savings and last a recommendation or comments, for everything else I am open.

Important: Please save your old plug-in from the Savegame1, 2,3 ... Save and save it in a different folder, if you want your network again.

Unzip the file and follow the file to follow

Copy file to AutoDriveInport

In the game, continue to options on button assignment and search the name AD: Stretch Export and AD: Stretch Inport.

 Documents The two, AD: Exporting routes with Ctrl + F7 and AD: Lines import with Ctrl + F8 and save everything then.

Then start your desired score and enter into a vehicle and press Srrg + F8 and the track will be put into your game.

To keep the stretch net once the game reserve, normal


The link is released to other sites only with the original link


Idee / Konzept: 

  • 11 May 19:48
    Version E 1.1

    Fehler in Englisch behoben Wöter

    Fixed bug in English words

  • 10 May 21:54
    Version E 1.0

    Übersetzt Englisch V. (E 1.0)

    Translated into English V. (E 1.0)

  • 06 May 09:13
    Version 1.1

    Kleine Fehler behoben
    felder von 5 bis 14 fahrfertig und erreich bar
    1-2 ruten neu gemacht

  • 05 May 13:05
    Version 1.0

  • 821689
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821688
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821687
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821686
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821685
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821684
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821683
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821682
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821681
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821680
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821679
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821678
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821677
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821676
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years
  • 821674
    by Draco1
    ago almost 8 years

05.05 2017
Modhoster user rating
2.33 / 6 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V E 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
135 KB 1519
10. 05 2017 1,519
V 1.1
Farming Simulator 17
135 KB 1648
06. 05 2017 1,648
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
135 KB 1068
05. 05 2017 1,068
1 ältere Versionen

2 Comments for AutoDrive Stretch net Sosnovka Not V2

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  1. FarmerGiles 08. 05 2017

    Hi brilliant news I have fixed the LUA error. all I did was to import your routes to my map in the game. then said to recalculate 1st it took a good while then i just said export routes to save it. then when i went back in game again it all worked no freezing up now great. I cant thank you enough for doing all this for me, but will it be possible if you could tell me in English what the names of places you have done in German, as I am having trouble translating some things like what do p1 mean and others as I am from England. I have translated a few but cant do all hope you can help me

  2. FarmerGiles 06. 05 2017

    it just freezes up my PC for a good 3 minutes, and has the error below. so cant use it

    I have waited ages for this now it wont work

    Loaded waypoints: 5667
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    C: / Users / PC / Documents / MyGames / FarmingSimulator2017 / mods / FS17_AutoDrive / AutoDrive.lua: 1550: table overflow

    2 replies
