AutoDrive courses for Südhemmern 3.5

V 1.5 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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AutoDrive courses for Südhemmern 3.5



Approach points for all outlets, productions and fields


-          Obsthof and Waldhotel only one approach point, as the loading / unloading stations are almost impossible to reach all automatically.


AutoDrive and CoursePlay are now working together

Since the CoursePlay version 6.01.00231 there is an option that z.Bsp. Self-loading wagon or fertilizer / seed drill drivers can leave the field for unloading or filling with AutoDrive.
This is a brilliant extension. So you can do the field work of the CP driver and let the AD driver use the road network. This saves many many CP downhill routes.

  Now it makes all the more sense to drive the road network with AutoDrive.

  In the AD version used by me (as of 07.07.2019), however, the settings in the AD setup for "field exit" only work for the Abtanker of Dreschern. Loader wagons and fertilizer / seeders always want to leave the field via the next possible waypoint for emptying or refilling, which of course often leads to collisions with obstacles. Therefore, I have provided all the fields with extra circuits, which lead the drivers on leaving the fields to collision-free exits.

Missing links or other problems please write here in the comments.




Idee / Konzept: 

  • 20 Jul 17:20
    Version 1.5

    Zielpunkte bei Bierherstellung: Be- und Entladestelle jetzt getrennt

  • 16 Jul 14:41
    Version 1.4

    Produktionen der v3.5 (Brauerei, Mälzerei und Kartoffelwascher) hinzugefügt

  • 15 Jul 11:08
    Version 1.3

    Felder 8 und 9 sind jetzt auch erreichbar. Waren vorher nur Abfahrten.

  • 12 Jul 21:11
    Version 1.2

    Noch ein paar offene Verbindungen geschlossen und die XML so vorbereitet, dass sie direkt in den Savegame-Ordner gespeichert und ohne Ingame-Import oder -Neuberechnung benutzt werden kann.

  • 09 Jul 17:07
    Version 1.1

    Ein paar offene Verbindungen geschlossen. Dank der Meldung von "Bandes"

  • 08 Jul 21:23
    Version 1.0


08.07 2019
Modhoster user rating
4.6 / 10 Votes


nach 12 Stimmen

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V 1.5
Farming Simulator 19
415 KB 4678
20. 07 2019 4,678
V 1.4
Farming Simulator 19
413 KB 624
16. 07 2019 624
V 1.3
Farming Simulator 19
AutoDrive_Suedhemmern_config v1....
406 KB 551
15. 07 2019 551
3 ältere Versionen

1 Comments for AutoDrive courses for Südhemmern 3.5

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  1. trucker1972 09. 07 2019

    AutoDrive Mod ist installiert
