Autodrive courses for Valley Crest Farm 4x

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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This is Autodrive for the Valley Crest Farm 4Fach version


The road network is based on the course of Porken and was revised by me in one or the other place and brought to the state of Autodrive

So what can you find here:

  • All fields have been hit.
  • Each field has been given a "catch line", so you can set the downhill runner to exit "Nearest" and they will always leave the field via a specific exit without getting stuck on objects or blocking the following downhill runner.
  • Fields are always 10pcs in a folder.
  • The most essential outlets have been brought in.
  • The productions that can be automated have been brought in.

On the enen picture you can see which settings I recommend for the downhillers.

I hope you can use the courses and that they are helpful for you.


Straßennetz Basis: Porken

Aktuelle Version: Liatusil1991

  • 26 Jul 19:28
    Version 1.1

    Hof Parkplätze eingefahren
    diverse fehlende Verbindungen gefixt
    Nebenstrecken hinzugefügt

  • 24 Jul 23:39
    Version 1


24.07 2021
Modhoster user rating
3.0 / 2 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 19
505 KB 1694
26. 07 2021 1,694
V 1
Farming Simulator 19
492 KB 1412
24. 07 2021 1,412

3 Comments for Autodrive courses for Valley Crest Farm 4x

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  1. Bandes 27. 07 2021

    Kann es sein, dass noch ein Paar verkaufstellen fehlen ?
    ZB Gartencenter?

  2. Bandes 27. 07 2021

    Top sehr gut gemacht
    Vielen lieben Dank

  3. Bandes 25. 07 2021

    Sehr schön gemacht :)
    Machst du noch Kurse am Hof, zb die Werkstatt Rückwärts
    Echt klasse gefällt mir sehr gut

    1 replies
