Australia trailers Multifruit

V 0.9 Beta by [FSM]Team mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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WARNING: This trailer is not for small maps! You need a strong tractor or a large tractor with Dolly!
Moin, here's the trailer from the Australia map as a playable beta Version.Es's own particle system, AO textures, tire dust and a capacity of 62500 Liter.Das special about a fictitious trailer has wurde.Er built by [FSM] Atabogo this trailer, he has another rear caliper plate on the back to attach a trailer kann.So can theoretically infinite number of followers hängen.Früchte turn: - wheat barley rape maize spelled oat rye sorghum silage swaths - chopped-Kraft/Mischfutter- crap
* This mod can be found on other sites for download BUT ONLY WITH ORIGINAL LINK * Please report any problems on our FORUM! * We will not respond to support questions here! Have fun and Happy farming :)


Model, Texturen = [FSM]Atabogo
Ingame = [FSM]Chefkoch / [FSM]Atabogo
Hilfe beim Bau / Supportcoli = Pille?!
Scripts = Sven777b, Manuel Leithner
Räder = Agrotron 155

  • 03 May 10:41
    Version 0.9 Beta by [FSM]Team


checksum: 7365e89de834a67f4a0dcb825d44a509
Version: 0.9 Beta by [FSM]Team
multiplayer ready? no
Author: [FSM]Atabogo + [FSM]Chefkoch
price in shop: 103578 LS
name in shop: AUS Auflieger AE
description in shop: 3-Achs Sattelauflieger.
Zum Transport von Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Körnermais, Silage, Gras, Kartoffeln, Mist, Zuckerrüben, Häckselgut, Dinkel, Hirse, Roggen, Hafer, Schwaden und Kraftfutter

03.05 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.44 / 70 Votes


nach 54 Stimmen

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V 0.9 Beta by [FSM]Team
Farming Simulator 2013
4.52 MB 44030
03. 05 2013 44,030

1 Comments for Australia trailers Multifruit

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  1. kylethefarmer 03. 05 2013

    great mod love it best trailer mod i hav eva use
