Changes in 1.4+
- Updated: for ATS 1.35.x;
- Fixed: multiple fixes and corrections, DX11 adaptation;
- Added: trailer cables, warning flags, front banners for all the bumpers, VT830 cabin, 8x4 chassis for VT830 cabin, some accessories for this chassis, horns, VNL630 (two variants of) to AI truck traffic, DLC Steering Creations Pack;
- Revised: trucks' and some accessories' models and files;
- Changed: some changes for the truck model and for some accessories' models, added collision for headache racks;
- Deleted: some useless files.
Volvo VNL 300, 430, 630, 670, 730, 780, VT 830, 880
- 8 cabins
- 5 chassis
- Its own tuning.
- Volvo dealers, mod dealers.
- Painting support, including metallic.
- Advanced Coupling System support.
- Trailer cables support.
- DLC Steering Creations Pack included.
- Warning flags and front banner included.
- Horns included.
Mod author: BigBob, SCS
Adaptation for ATS: chashkin23
Tuning and improvements of the model: Andrew Chashkin. (chashkin23)
Sounds: Kriechbaum, odd_fellow, SCS
Onboard computer: piva
& some others.
Special thanks to everyone who helped me to master ZModeler and 3DS MAX, as well as to those who assisted me with the creation of the mod: Vladislav Krankel-Varter, Denis Zobnin (DANZ), Dmitry Muhanov (Stels).
Modell: blacksitearea
Textur: blacksitearea
Script: blacksitearea
Idee / Konzept: blacksitearea
Tester: blacksitearea
Sonstige: blacksitearea
26 Jul 02:41Version 1.4+
0 Comments for [ATS] VOLVO VNL TRUCK SHOP V1.4+ 1.35.X