English: You can use all American trucks in ETS 2 now.
You can buy it in Renault dealer.
It contains the following trucks:
*Kenworth T680
*Kenworth W900
*Peterbilt 389
*Peterbilt 579
Working in 1.30.x
v2.0 Changelog
-Add front right mirror.
-Fixed cable texture error and beacon texture error.
Türkçe: Art?k tüm amerikan t?rlar?n? ETS 2’de kullanabilirsiniz.
Renault galerisinden sat?n alabilirsiniz.
?u t?rlar? içerir:
*Kenworth T680
*Kenworth W900
*Peterbilt 389
*Peterbilt 579
1.30.x sürümünde çal???yor.
v2.0 Yenilikler
-Ön sa? aynalar eklendi.
-Tüm hatalar ve kaplama hatalar? giderildi.
Modell: SemihKln
Textur: SemihKln
Script: SemihKln
Idee / Konzept: SemihKln
Tester: SemihKln
Sonstige: SemihKln
01 Jul 20:40Version 4.0
ATS Trucks for ETS2 v4.0 1.31.x
English: You can use all American trucks in ETS 2 now.
You can buy it in Renault dealer.
It contains the following trucks:
*Kenworth T680
*Kenworth W900
*Peterbilt 389
*Peterbilt 579
Working in 1.31.x
v4.0 Changelog (LEGENDARY UPDATE)
-Brought SISL Mega Pack support.
-Fixed some crashes.
v3.0 Changelog
-Adapted to version v1.31.x
-Added trailer cables.
-Added DLC Dragon,Christmas,
Steering Wheel
v2.0 Changelog
-Add front right mirror.
-Fixed cable texture error and beacon texture error.
Türkçe: Art?k tüm amerikan t?rlar?n? ETS 2’de kullanabilirsiniz.
Renault galerisinden sat?n alabilirsiniz.
?u t?rlar? içerir:
*Kenworth T680
*Kenworth W900
*Peterbilt 389
*Peterbilt 579
1.31.x sürümünde çal???yor.
v4.0 Yenilikler (EFSANE GÜNCELLEME)
-SISL Mega Pack deste?i getirildi.
-Baz? hatalar giderildi.
v3.0 Yenilikler
-Versiyon 1.31’e uyarland?.
-Dorse kablolar? eklendi
-DLC Dragon,Christmas,Hallowen,
Steampunk,Valentine,Steering Wheel
v2.0 Yenilikler
-Ön sa? aynalar eklendi.
-Tüm hatalar ve kaplama hatalar? giderildi. -
28 May 23:24Version 3.0 (28.05.18)
ATS Trucks v3.0 for ETS 2 [1.31.x]
English: You can use all American trucks in ETS 2 now.
You can buy it in Renault dealer.
It contains the following trucks:
*Kenworth T680
*Kenworth W900
*Peterbilt 389
*Peterbilt 579
Working in 1.31.x
v2.0 Changelog
-Add front right mirror.
-Fixed cable texture error and beacon texture error.
v3.0 Changelog
-Adapted to version v1.31.x
-Added trailer cables.
-Added DLC Dragon,Christmas,
Steering Wheel
Türkçe: Art?k tüm amerikan t?rlar?n? ETS 2’de kullanabilirsiniz.
Renault galerisinden sat?n alabilirsiniz.
?u t?rlar? içerir:
*Kenworth T680
*Kenworth W900
*Peterbilt 389
*Peterbilt 579
1.31.x sürümünde çal???yor.
v2.0 Yenilikler
-Ön sa? aynalar eklendi.
-Tüm hatalar ve kaplama hatalar? giderildi.
v3.0 Yenilikler
-Versiyon 1.31’e uyarland?.
-Dorse kablolar? eklendi
-DLC Dragon,Christmas,Hallowen,
Steampunk,Valentine,Steering Wheel
eklendi. -
27 Jan 19:19Version update auf 1.30
by mods80
ago over 6 years
by mods80
ago over 6 years
by mods80
ago over 6 years
by mods80
ago almost 7 years
by mods80
ago almost 7 years
by mods80
ago about 7 years
by mods80
ago about 7 years
0 Comments for ATS Trucks Final Edition for ETS 2 [1.30.x]