**Applewood Park**
Map fix mod required! Dawg's graphics utils highly recommended.
Screen-Space Reflections are very glitchy by default (giving a rough, shredded look to reflections) - I recommend turning off SSR with Dawg's graphics utils, this'll achieve reflections close to how I wanted them to be. You can also try with and without SSR to see which you prefer though. For best performance, disable everything _except_ decals in graphic utils, and make sure the game is running in exclusive mode in babbo settings.
A huge shout out to the guys in the map-creation channel that have helped me out with issues along the way, and an extra special thanks to SqueegeeDinoToy for all his hard work. A big thanks to the talented graffiti creators sharing their work on the discord too, and to Solid, NextLevel, Jboogie and Le Kaiju for helping out with closed beta testing.
Be sure to subscribe on because I intend to release expansions in the future!
15 Jul 23:31Version 1.0.0
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