Anklamer Country Map

V 10.02.2012 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Dear LS community,

I'm here for you as equals TWO Maps!

These differ only in that one of them also potatoes, and sunflowers also has Zuckrrüben.

The map is very simple and runs well on low-spec PC.

Farm with pasture and Umwandel-Durchfahrsilo, which converts products to chaff.

Truck traffic and milk.

Port as outlet

BGA (Heady scripts) to be loaded on Planet

24 fields (Numbered)

Log.txt is error free

Barn with food triggers

and and and ....


Take a look!


The map may be hosted on other sites under-use of the original DL-Links!



PS: It would be important to mention that the zip file must be decompressed once and to promote the contents of the folder in your mods folder!

But I need say yes probably no more, right?


Ich danke allen Moddern und Scriptern, deren Werke ich auf dieser Map verwendet habe.
Insbesondere geht ein dank an:
pfreek (Straßenschilder und Leitpfosten)
Defender (SuperSilo Edit for LS11 Paladium @
818vario (Halle)
planet-ls und Heady (BGA + Scripte)
Fatian (Straßenpack)
Desperados93 (Hafengrund und Hallen)

Wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe, bitte melden!

  • 07 Feb 13:59
    Version 10.02.2012


checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac10b9c7169f50a9bbe52047106f8b8
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.
checksum: 3ac
Version: 10.02.2012
multiplayer ready? no
Author: GIANTS Software GmbH
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi
description in shop: Dies ist die Anklamer_Land_Map_Multi.

07.02 2012
Modhoster user rating
2.77 / 65 Votes


nach 56 Stimmen

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V 10.02.2012
Farming Simulator 2011
156 MB 5790
07. 02 2012 5,790

2 Comments for Anklamer Country Map

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  1. Skifahrer 21. 02 2012

    Super Map! Brauche ich dazu noch mods, triggers etc.?

  2. -alex88- 07. 02 2012

    Was ist daran Premium?

    2 replies
