Animated control panel

V Multifrucht mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Today I offer you a control box for the Hofsilo's. The switchbox is originally from the placeable Silo System from
Fasi, Eribus and kevink98, but since the yard silo system could not use as a main silo, I have the control box removed and on blacky's
Digital Amount Mover. The buttons and lights again Animated and added a new ad with boot animation.
Blacky's Digital Amount Mover allows you to display the silo levels as well as the remaining capacity.

The control box has to be installed with the Giants editor, but I have made it as easy as possible and a detailed installation manual
In the mod, so that everyone of the only basic knowledge in the Giants editor could have embedded in.

To the full functionality the following mod is required.

!!! To be able to download the mod in the forum, a regestration is necessary !!!

By the aforementioned mod from the Black Panther Group, the switchboxes can be combined, whether normal or Multifrucht, do not necessarily have to be placed at a silo because the storage is queried and can of course also be installed several times.

To my release belongs a link to the LS-Modcompany

Thank you Bauer_Hotte for the Multifruit test!


Modell: fasi, Eribus
Textur: fasi, Eribus
Idee / Konzept: Ls-Modcompany
Sonstige: Marcus

  • 26 May 08:55
    Version Multifrucht

    Multifrucht Display

  • 24 May 21:13
    Version 1

24.05 2017
Modhoster user rating
4.53 / 19 Votes


nach 13 Stimmen

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V Multifrucht
Farming Simulator 17
3.53 MB 2244
26. 05 2017 2,244
V 1
Farming Simulator 17
3.53 MB 1662
24. 05 2017 1,662

1 Comments for Animated control panel

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  1. TSM 25. 05 2017

    I would download this but as bpg website seems to be all in German even if you switch to EN then I won't be bothering sorry :)

    1 replies
