Trailers and cargo package of Penguin v3.0 [1.2...

V 5.5 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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- Adapted for 1/27
- 10 new trailers
- 10 old trailers removed
- 6 old trailers re-designed

ATTENTION: Because of the trailer removed from 2.8, your truck will reset the packs to your home base after installing!
This pack only runs after version 1.27! So it does not Necessarily replace my previous pack (2.8) Because who goes after the 1/26 shoulderstand wait with the installation of my Pack 3.0.
The pack runs under 1.27, it is compatible with other trailer / cargo packs. Tested together with all Jazzycat packs.


Modell: The SCS trailer 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel', 'Cement' and 'Food Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge and Fuel-Cistern , Fruehauf IceLiner by Niksari Elitesquad Modz and fuel tank by Fred_be.
Textur: The SCS trailer 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel', 'Cement' and 'Food Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge and Fuel-Cistern , Fruehauf IceLiner by Niksari Elitesquad Modz and fuel tank by Fred_be.
Script: The SCS trailer 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel', 'Cement' and 'Food Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge and Fuel-Cistern , Fruehauf IceLiner by Niksari Elitesquad Modz and fuel tank by Fred_be.
Idee / Konzept: The SCS trailer 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel', 'Cement' and 'Food Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge and Fuel-Cistern , Fruehauf IceLiner by Niksari Elitesquad Modz and fuel tank by Fred_be.
Tester: The SCS trailer 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel', 'Cement' and 'Food Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge and Fuel-Cistern , Fruehauf IceLiner by Niksari Elitesquad Modz and fuel tank by Fred_be.
Sonstige: The SCS trailer 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel', 'Cement' and 'Food Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge and Fuel-Cistern , Fruehauf IceLiner by Niksari Elitesquad Modz and fuel tank by Fred_be.

  • 08 Sep 21:44
    Version 5.5


    September 7th update

    v5.5 contains 550 trailers.
    - New trailers.
    - Redesigned some old trailers.
    - Removed several old trailers.
    - Fixed loads.

    Types of trailers:

    - Fruehauf IceLiner
    - Schwarzmueller Fuel-Cistern
    - Schwarzmueller Fuel- / Gas-Cistern
    - Eurotype Cement Cistern
    - Schmitz Container Trailer
    - Krone ProfiLiner
    - Krone CoolLiner
    - Krone Fridge
    - Schmitz Universal
    - Schmitz Cargobull Koffer
    - Food Trailer

    Cable connections are still NOT integrated! Anyone who wants to avoid warning messages in gamelog.txt (which does not affect the game in any way) sets “Gameplay” - “Cable semi-trailer” to “NO” in the settings.

  • 09 Jul 22:52
    Version 5.4

    Pack contains 545 trailers.

    - 34 new trailers
    - Some old trailers redesigned
    - Revised freight

    Cable connections are still NOT integrated! Who wants to avoid the appearance of warning messages in gamelog.txt (which does not affect the game in any way), sets the "Gameplay" - "Semi-trailer cable" "NO" in the settings.

  • 25 Mar 19:21
    Version 5.2

    - 18 new trailers
    - Re-designed some old trailers
    - Freight revised

    This pack runs with the 1.34 and is compatible with other Trailer / CargoPacks. Tested together with almost all Jazzycat packs.

    The cable connections are still NOT integrated! Who wants to avoid warning messages in the gamelog.txt (which does not affect the game), sets in the settings in 'Gameplay' - 'Semi-trailer cable' 'NO'.

    If you prefer English cargo names, you also install 'cargopack_penguin_52_eng.scs'. This must then be placed OVERHALF of the pack in the Modmanager!

  • 04 Feb 00:56
    Version 5.1

    Trailer and Cargo Package by Penguin v5.1 1.33.x

    This is my trailer- and cargopack for ETS2 Version 1.33.
    It contains ficticious as well as real companies.
    Freight correspond to the trailers.
    Trailers also are integrated in ai-traffic.
    Cable connections are NOT interated.
    To avoid warnings in your gamelog.txt (which don't affect your play),
    go to Settings - Gameplay - Trailer Cbles and set 'None'.

    Tested on 1.33.x game version

    New Changelog in v5.1:
    - 45 new trailers
    - cargosystem adapted to new SCS-cargosystem
    - cargo names in German
    - English cargo names as additional scs-file
    - 'Lower Freight Rates' as additional .scs-file

    If you prefer English cargo names, you also install 'cargopack_penguin_51_eng.scs'.
    This must be placed ABOVE of the pack in Modmanager!

    If you want more realistic (lower) freight rates, install 'lower_freight_rates.scs' and
    place it ABOVE of other mods that contain an ''!

    The pack now consists of 502 trailers of 493 companies!

    - Fruehauf IceLiner
    - Schwarzmueller Fuel-Cistern
    - Schwarzmueller Fuel-/Gas-Cistern
    - Eurotype Cement Cistern
    - Schmitz Container Trailer
    - Krone ProfiLiner
    - Krone CoolLiner
    - Krone Fridge
    - Schmitz Universal
    - Schmitz Cargobull Koffer
    - Food Trailer

  • 17 Dec 21:11
    Version 5.01

    The pack consists of 497 trailers!

    Trailer Types:
    - Fruehauf IceLiner
    - Schwarzmueller Fuel-Cistern
    - Schwarzmueller Fuel-/Gas-Cistern
    - Eurotype Cement Cistern
    - Schmitz Container Trailer
    - Krone ProfiLiner
    - Krone CoolLiner
    - Krone Fridge
    - Schmitz Universal
    - Schmitz Cargobull Koffer
    - Food Trailer

    New 40 trailers!

    The pack consists of two scs files (part_1 and part_2), which are BOTH to activate in mod-manager!

  • 01 Sep 23:59
    Version 4.1

    Here is the current version of my Penguins Trailer and CargoPack, Version 4.1.
    It's compatible with 1.31 - (NOT 1.32!).
    Version 4.1 consists now of 457 standalone trailers of 447 companies with adequate cargos.

    - 29 new trailer types
    - 7 old trailers removed
    - 6 old trailers reworked
    - list of trailer-companies, remarked Fictious/Real

    CAUTION: Since I've removed again some old trailers, after activatig my pack 4.1, you possibly will be set back to your homebase! So, maybe you should finish your running tour first! (By the way, that makes the new trailers directly available in freight market!) Possible gamelog errors due to missing cargos of the removed trailers ('dangling-pointer-errors') are gone when you start ETS2 next time.

    Pack runs on ETS2 v. 1.31 (NOT 1.32!) and tolerates other trailer packs. Tested in common with all Jazzycat packs.

    Cable-connections as in ETS2-version 1.31 are NOT implemented, To avoid warnings in your gamelog.txt (which don't affect your play), go to Settings - Gameplay - Trailer Cbles and set 'None'

  • 22 Jun 22:26
    Version 4.0


    It's compatible with 1.31.

    Version 4.0 consists now of 435 standalone trailers of 421 companies with adequate cargos.

    - 30 new trailer types
    - 3 old trailers removed
    - 4 old trailers reworked
    - some small bugs repaired
    - list of trailer-companies, remarked Fictious/Real

    Basics are SCS trailers 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel-, 'Cement-' and 'Food-Cistern', Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD-Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge und Fuel-Cistern, Fruehauf IceLiner from Niksari Elitesquad Modz and Fuel-Tank by Fred_be.
    Special thanks to KaLeu57, Brausetablette, Fr8i, sunrise, RudiRR, Reefer, joberam and many others out of the communities for their know-how support and their suggestions!
    Edited with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and ETS2 Studio

  • 27 Apr 03:19
    Version 3.9

    - contains now 408 standalone trailers of 395 companies with adequate cargos.

    - 23 new trailer types
    - 12 old trailers removed
    - 6 old trailers reworked
    - some small bugs repaired
    - list of trailer-companies, remarked Fictious/Real

    CAUTION: Since I've removed again some old trailers, after activatig my pack 3.9, you possibly will be set back to your homebase!

    So, maybe you should finish your running tour first! (By the way, that makes the new trailers

    directly available in freight market!) Possible gamelog errors due to missing cargos of the removed

    trailers ('dangling-pointer-errors') are gone when you start ETS2 next time.

    Pack runs on ETS2 v. 1.31 and tolerates other trailer packs.

    Tested in common with all Jazzycat packs.

    Cable-connections as in ETS2-version 1.31 aren't implemented yet,

    I haven't got the neccessary .pmc-, .pmd- and .pmg-files yet and moreover 1.31 isn't yet officially released.

    If I'll snatch'em, I'll release my Pack 4.0.

    Basics are SCS trailers 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel-, 'Cement-' and 'Food-Cistern',

    Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD-Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge und Fuel-Cistern,

    Fruehauf IceLiner from Niksari Elitesquad Modz and Fuel-Tank by Fred_be.
    Special thanks to KaLeu57, Brausetablette, Fr8i, sunrise, RudiRR, Reefer, joberam and many

    others out of the communities for their know-how support and their suggestions!
    Edited with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and ETS2 Studio.

  • 31 Mar 00:31
    Version 3.8

    New version 3.8:

    -contains now 397 standalone trailers of 380 companies with adequate cargos.

    - 27 new trailer types
    - 14 old trailers reworked
    - some small bugs repaired
    - list of trailer-companies, remarked Fictious/Real

    Basics are SCS trailers 'KRONE ProfiLiner', 'CoolLiner', 'Fridge', 'Fuel-, 'Cement-' and 'Food-Cistern',

    Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD-Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge und Fuel-Cistern,

    Fruehauf IceLiner from Niksari Elitesquad Modz and Fuel-Tank by Fred_be.
    Special thanks to KaLeu57, Brausetablette, Fr8i, sunrise, RudiRR, Reefer, joberam and many others out of the

    communities for their know-how support and their suggestions!
    Edited with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and ETS2 Studio.


    Since this time I've NOT removed some old trailers, after activatig my pack 3.6, you will NOT be set back to your homebase!

    So, you can simply acivate Pack 3.8 without being reset to your homebase!

    Pack runs on ETS2 v. 1.30 and tolerates other trailer packs.

    Tested in common with all Jazzycat packs.

  • 07 Feb 15:52
    Version 3.7.1


    It's compatible with ETS2 1.28 and 1.30.
    Version 3.7.1 still contains 370 standalone trailers of 357 companies with adequate cargos.

    - Italy-DLC companies and suitable cargos implemented

    Since nothing else has changed, you'll not be put back to your homebase!
    Pack runs on ETS2 v. 1.28 + 1.30 and tolerates other trailer packs. Tested in common with all Jazzycat packs.
    Pack again consists of two 7zip parts (001 and 002) which reduces overall download size (and time) considerably.

  • 27 Jan 20:46
    Version 3.7

    It's compatible with ETS2 1.28 and 1.30.

    Version 3.7 contains now 370 standalone trailers of 357 companies with adequate cargos.


    - 23 new trailer types
    - 3 old trailers removed
    - 2 old trailers re-designed

    Find the names of removed trailers in ReadMe-file.

    CAUTION: Since I've removed again some old trailers, after activatig my pack 3.6, you possibly will be set back to your homebase! So, maybe you should finish your running tour first! (By the way, that makes the new trailers directly available in freight market!) Possible gamelog errors due to missing cargos of the removed trailers ('dangling-pointer-errors') are gone when you start ETS2 next time.

  • 01 Dec 22:09
    Version 3.6

    Here is the current version of my Penguins Trailer and CargoPack, Version 3.6.
    It's compatible with ETS2 TO 1.28 and doesn't show neither any warnings nor any errors under 1.30 beta!
    Version 3.6 contains 350 standalone trailers of 337 companies with adequate cargos.
    - 15 new trailer types
    - 15 old trailers removed
    - 2 old trailers re-designed
    Find the names of removed trailers in ReadMe-file.
    Pack runs on ETS2 v. 1.28 + 1.30 beta and tolerates other trailer packs. Tested in common with all Jazzycat packs.

  • 09 Nov 20:59
    Version 3.5

    Version 3.5 contains 350 standalone trailers of 329 companies with adequate cargos.
    - 10 new trailer types
    - 10 old trailers removed
    - 3 old trailers re-designed
    - improved trailer stability
    Find the names of removed trailers in ReadMe-file.

  • 02 Oct 22:11
    Version 3.4

    Here is the current version of my Penguins Trailer and CargoPack, Version 3.4.
    It's compatible with ETS2 TO 1.28 !
    Version 3.4 contains 350 standalone trailers of 321 companies with adequate cargos.
    - 9 new trailer types
    - 9 old trailers removed
    - 4 old trailers re-designed
    Find the names of removed trailers in ReadMe-file.
    CAUTION: Since I've removed again some old trailers, after activatig my pack 3.4, you possibly will be set back to your homebase! So, maybe you should finish your running tour first! (By the way, that makes the new trailers directly available in freight market!) Possible gamelog errors due to missing cargos of the removed trailers ('dangling-pointer-errors') are gone when you start ETS2 next time.
    Pack runs on ETS2 v. 1.28 and tolerates other trailer packs. Tested in common with all Jazzycat packs.

  • 05 Jul 14:27
    Version 3.2

    This is the current version of my Penguins Trailer and CargoPack, Version 3.2, ready to ETS2 v. 1.27
    Version 3.2 contains (as always) 350 standalone trailers of 312 companies with adequate cargos.
    Sice I’ve removed again some old trailers, so CAUTION: After activatig my pack 3.1, you possibly will be set back to your homebase! So, maybe you should finish your running tour first! (By the way, that makes the new trailers directly available in freight market!)
    – 15 new trailer types
    – 15 old trailers removed
    – 6 old trailers re-designed

    Basics are SCS trailers ‘KRONE ProfiLiner’, ‘CoolLiner’, ‘Fridge’, ‘Fuel-, ‘Cement-‘ and ‘Food-Cistern’, Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD-Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge und Fuel-Cistern, Fruehauf IceLiner from Niksari Elitesquad Modz and Fuel-Tank by Fred_be.
    Special thanks to KaLeu57, Brausetablette, Fr8i, sunrise, RudiRR, joberam, SlavikD and a smart swedish guy who didn’t want to be named for their know-how support!
    Edited with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and ETS2 Studio.

    Basics are SCS trailers ‘KRONE ProfiLiner’, ‘CoolLiner’, ‘Fridge’, ‘Fuel-, ‘Cement-‘ and ‘Food-Cistern’, Rommi TZ Schmitz, MD-Modding Container and Fridge1, Matdom1988 Fridge und Fuel-Cistern, Fruehauf IceLiner from Niksari Elitesquad Modz and Fuel-Tank by Fred_be. Special thanks to KaLeu57, Brausetablette, Fr8i, sunrise, RudiRR, joberam, SlavikD and a smart swedish guy who didn’t want to be named for their know-how support! Edited with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and ETS2 Studio.

    download either from this original one - link download (first) or from these two download links below

  • 01 May 17:51
    Version 3.1

    This is the current version of Penguins Trailer and CargoPack, Version 3.1, ready to ETS2 v. 1.27

    CAUTION: Doesn't work any longer with <=1.26!

    Version 3.0 contains 350 standalone trailers of 307 companies with adequate cargos.

    Sice I've removed again some old trailers, so CAUTION: After activatig my pack 3.1, you possibly will be set back to your homebase! So, maybe you should finish your running tour first! In case that in your last ETS2-session some ai trucks hauled any of my trailers of pack 3.0 which I've removed in 3.1, there will occur some warnings about 'dangling pointers' in your first gamelog after installing my pack 3.1. These will disappear in your next session.


    - 10 new trailer types
    - 10 old trailers removed
    - 4 old trailers re-designed
    The pack consists of two 7zip files (001 and 002), which considerably reduces the amount of data to be downloaded! Opening file 001 enables you to extract the complete scs-file.

  • 04 Apr 20:30
    Version 3.0

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04.04 2017
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