AN_2_Sprayer (Antonov)
This is one of the SKP-drawn version of me, because at the old Antonov were no functions on the aircraft, and the steering on the ground was very bad.
The An_2_Sprayer has a lighter color leaves the door open, the propeller can be switched off not.
But he now has a fertilizer sprayer.
Now, the farmer on Sunday to invite his whole family or his football team for a sightseeing flight, and by the way the fields spraying.
The tanks do not need to be charged, because I wanted to spare you the eternal maneuvering for refueling.
However, it requires a little practice to get the same flight as deep for spraying Sun efficiency. (See video of my test pilots TomCat (Youtube TomCat1861).)
Spraying can be observed with the third camera in flight.
Flight functions such as the Piper
No guarantee that this modification MP is compatible!
Warning: Propeller is like the LS 09 continues
To start, press "s" and KP_8 press button Kp_8 continue to adhere key "w" to get back to flying low (landing)
Right flight: "d" key and tap only Kp_6 always easy
Links flight: "a" key and tap only Kp_4 always easy
A big thanks goes to Swen777b for help and release
Dies ist ein Produckt aus dem SKPvom mir Konventiert
Flug Skript - Swen777b
24 Nov 16:19Version 1.0
by Blaulichtschrauber
ago over 12 years
by Blaulichtschrauber
ago over 12 years
by Blaulichtschrauber
ago over 12 years
by Blaulichtschrauber
ago over 12 years
checksum: | 64aedb142f01f409b2e40c31ad597147 |
Version: | 1.0 |
multiplayer ready? | no |
Author: | Sven777b |
price in shop: | 1000 LS |
name in shop: | AN2_Sprayer |
description in shop: |
Model: FSX Microsoft/Sven777b
Script: Sven777b (airplane/toggleAnimatedParts) Skin 2012:Konvert:Blaulichtschrauber |
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