allround lightbox

V 1.0 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Hello friends of ETS2, here I have a mod lightbox Ffast for all SCS models for rjl Scania and Scania T-Liner

written together on bassis of maxx2504 lightboxes its because I found it annoying zuaktivieren for jedenLKW a box

I've even sat down and bothered for MAN and IVECO I will do the next day a grudge and also for the DAF e6


Wish you much fun with the mod credits orginal maxx2504



  • 26 Sep 12:29
    Version 1.0


26.09 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.0 / 3 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
allround lightbox_v.1.scs
825 KB 5715
26. 09 2015 5,715

3 Comments for allround lightbox

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  1. AlphaGamer_AG 19. 11 2021

    Mod funktioniert jedoch nicht zu finden zum bearbeiten ... lvl. 1.42.

  2. AlphaGamer_AG 02. 02 2021

    Mod funktioniert gut lvl. 1.39.

  3. AlphaGamer_AG 18. 08 2020

    Lightbox funktioniert gut ... 1.38.
